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Let's try this again

Posted on: June 26, 2019 at 11:08:56 CT
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20.89 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
What do you think Mueller meant by "my report is my testimony"? Do you think he's going to reveal some smoking gun that he left out of the report?
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     Oh, I so love a good twist - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 10:35:59
          Is that why your panties are always in a twist? - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/26 11:27:07
               No, it is because I like them that way(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:32:30
          RE: Oh, I so love a good twist - MOCO SON MU - 6/26 10:52:33
               We shall see - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:04:12
                    It isn't Mueller's job to narrate the report for people (nm) - Sal KC - 6/26 11:04:53
                         Ha ha . Yeah, I guess no one could have any questions huh?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:09:46
                              You are all over the place (nm) - Sal KC - 6/26 11:10:50
                    RE: We shall see - MOCO SON MU - 6/26 11:04:42
          Talks about BS after watching cnn and msnbc. - GA Tiger MU - 6/26 10:46:20
          Nobody knows exactly when the IG's report is going to drop (nm) - Sal KC - 6/26 10:39:06
               Ooh that's so scary - what it will "drop" (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 10:45:08
                    are you having a stroke today?(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 6/26 10:52:37
                         The amount of import many of you are putting on this DOJ - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 10:59:29
                              So Barr saying he didn't receive satisfactory answers - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 6/26 11:05:43
                                   Barr is a POS, little he says carries any weight - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:11:32
                                        RE: Barr is a POS, little he says carries any weight - scan MU - 6/26 11:17:21
                                             Must be why he engages in a cover up for his boss - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:20:26
                                                  RE: Must be why he engages in a cover up for his boss - scan MU - 6/26 11:22:41
                                                  How does one engage in a coverup by releasing - Sal KC - 6/26 11:21:19
                                        lmao you are a clown - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 6/26 11:13:06
                                        How is he serving the President? - Sal KC - 6/26 11:12:25
                                             Seriously ? Come on now* - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:19:12
                                                  lol those are garbage opinion pieces written by people - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 6/26 11:25:47
                                                  Barr isn't covering up anything - Sal KC - 6/26 11:20:59
                                   My favorite was when Barr said he, Rosenstein, and - Sal KC - 6/26 11:07:02
                                        Why did Barr give a bogus and deceptive "preview" not even - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:13:04
                                             On a scale of 1 to 10 kerfuffles, how Machiavellian was - Floyd Turbo 99 - 6/26 11:55:31
                                             He didn't you idiot, he said he disagreed with Mueller's - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 6/26 11:14:35
                                             He didn't give a deceptive preview of anything (nm) - Sal KC - 6/26 11:14:08
                              Horowitz has already found malfeasance within the FBI - Sal KC - 6/26 11:00:38
                                   OMFG, OMG, OMG, Malfeasance, Oh God Malfeasance - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:07:55
                                        Um, Do you not remember McCabe - Sal KC - 6/26 11:09:30
                                             RE: Um, Do you not remember McCabe - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:21:45
                         his posts are making less sense than usual (nm) - Sal KC - 6/26 10:57:29
                    what? (nm) - Sal KC - 6/26 10:50:32
     RE: “Bob Mueller better be prepared" ...... - patriot MU - 6/26 10:28:34
     I am surprised that the socialists are the ones asking - hokie VT - 6/26 10:20:41
          Senate needs to subpoena him themselves(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 10:37:03
               RE: Senate needs to subpoena him themselves(nm) - MOCO SON MU - 6/26 10:55:08
                    I responded to one who suggested it(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:34:09
     I'm sure Mueller is shaking in his boots - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 10:19:35
          If he wasn't worried about testifying - Sal KC - 6/26 10:20:14
               Forgot Sal was here. He knows everything(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 10:37:48
               LOL, Sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 10:31:24
                    Mueller himself said he wouldn't speak about anything - Sal KC - 6/26 10:33:16
                         He doesn't care to be a political pawn - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 10:48:14
                              he's already a political pawn - Sal KC - 6/26 10:52:40
                                   Man says basically nothing and you say he "admitted" that?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 6/26 11:35:02
                         So that means he's worried about testifying? - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 10:35:18
                              RE: So that means he's worried about testifying? - None**** MU - 6/26 10:51:02
                              You don't think that was a direct message to Congress? - Sal KC - 6/26 10:38:39
                                   RE: You don't think that was a direct message to Congress? - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 10:46:09
                                        He's obviously worried about the hearing - Sal KC - 6/26 10:52:02
                                             LOL ok Sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 10:52:58
                                                  You never make a coherent point - Sal KC - 6/26 10:53:47
                                                       LOL, Sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 10:55:34
                                                            "LOL" and "LAUGH" aren't coherent points (nm) - Sal KC - 6/26 10:56:17
               What specifically are you referring to?(nm) - Mo Texan MU - 6/26 10:23:16
                    He said he wouldn't speak about anything - Sal KC - 6/26 10:26:26
                         Do you think the R's will be asking report related ?'s - Mo Texan MU - 6/26 10:39:01
                              Of course Mueller is worried about the questioning going - Sal KC - 6/26 10:40:27
                                   You've lost me on what you consider outside the report - Mo Texan MU - 6/26 10:42:56
                                        Sal's a brilliant TB legal mind... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 10:49:52
                                             lol I'm literally using Mueller's own words (nm) - Sal KC - 6/26 10:50:50
                                                  You're literally full of crapp with you're mighty - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 10:56:59
                                                       What I'm saying has nothing to do with being a - Sal KC - 6/26 10:58:31
                                                            It's your fairy tale Sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 11:01:01
                                                                 Why are you deflecting on simple questions? (nm) - Sal KC - 6/26 11:01:34
                                                                      Mueller isn't scared, Sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 11:07:20
                                                                           Let's try this again - Sal KC - 6/26 11:08:56
                                                                                I don't know, Sal... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 11:11:13
                                                                                     So what are you trying to argue? (nm) - Sal KC - 6/26 11:12:54
                                                                                          That you're literally full of crapp with your mighty - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 11:16:38
                                        Literally anything beyond the report itself - Sal KC - 6/26 10:44:19
                                             You think redacted material isn't part of the report?(nm) - Mo Texan MU - 6/26 10:50:47
                                                  Not that he can answer in a public setting - Sal KC - 6/26 10:51:35
                                                       My point you miss is that questions can be asked about it - Mo Texan MU - 6/26 11:18:03
                                                            here's a reference in regards to Grand Jury testimony - Sal KC - 6/26 11:26:54
                                                            Grand Jury testimony can't be revealed in a closed - Sal KC - 6/26 11:23:20
                                                                 The real concern is why you or anyone else doesn't - Mo Texan MU - 6/26 11:32:44
                                                                      That's the real question... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 6/26 12:02:37
                                                                           Congress could easily amend 6e - Sal KC - 6/26 13:44:56
                                                                      I never said that either - Sal KC - 6/26 11:42:19
                         The Dems are hoping for soundbites, but the Pubs will be - None**** MU - 6/26 10:29:09

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