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The party is the War Party Establishment. the Deep State (nm)

Posted on: March 28, 2019 at 10:08:05 CT
pickle MU
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Lol @ trump...it was a coup - playhard KC - 3/28 09:46:19
     He's been right about most things. nm. - MUTGR MU - 3/28 10:44:12
          Is that why he has told more than 8,000 lies since election - raskolnikov MU - 3/28 11:07:06
     RE: Lol @ trump...it was a coup - MOCO SON MU - 3/28 10:39:27
     RE:it was a coup: Clearly, you are incapable of - None**** MU - 3/28 10:19:20
          I would have thought by now the scary black man thing - playhard KC - 3/28 10:35:30
               RE: I would have thought by now the scary black man thing - None**** MU - 3/28 10:58:19
               You don't think Obama knew any of this - Sal KC - 3/28 10:39:02
                    He is probably responsible for assassinating JFK and - playhard KC - 3/28 10:44:28
                         lol jfc you're an idiot (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:45:10
                              I thought i was a coward? Make up your mind Sal - playhard KC - 3/28 10:49:49
                                   You're both. I get it, you bought into the story - Sal KC - 3/28 10:51:02
                    Obama shadow government takeover again? (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:40:45
                         Answer the question - Sal KC - 3/28 10:41:39
          I think liberals are so scared to admit it's true - Sal KC - 3/28 10:23:13
               they don’t want to admit they fell for lies - pickle MU - 3/28 10:48:59
     I’m going to help you all out - playhard KC - 3/28 10:06:13
          RE: I’m going to help you all out - MOCO SON MU - 3/28 11:14:25
          By showing you can post random articles? - MIZ45 MU - 3/28 10:09:39
          Since you're a coward and run away from questions - Sal KC - 3/28 10:07:54
               Name calling? That's a switch from your normal routine - playhard KC - 3/28 10:28:14
                    Why won't you answer the question? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:34:57
                    Sal is on one calling people partisan hacks too - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:29:23
                         neither of you will answer simple questions - Sal KC - 3/28 10:35:31
                              lol, jfc - playhard KC - 3/28 10:37:02
                                   Then address the points and question in this post - Sal KC - 3/28 10:37:35
                         He's turned in to hokie(nm) - playhard KC - 3/28 10:30:48
               It wasn't a coup attempt, Sal - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:09:56
                    What do you call it? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:10:26
                         I would call it as it was - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:12:33
                              the problem with your hypothesis is that it would take a f'n - blake1771 KC - 3/28 10:44:57
                              Hillary couldn’t win a massively rigged election in her - TigerAviator16 MU - 3/28 10:22:45
                              bullshyte. Hillary created that line of crap your peddling. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/28 10:17:59
                              lol (nm) - pickle MU - 3/28 10:17:38
                              By using a hoax document to obtain warrants? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:14:09
                                   There were concerns of Trump campaign officials - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:17:38
                                        "concerns" =/= justification to spy on a political - Sal KC - 3/28 10:19:30
                                             Again, look in a mirror(nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:21:30
                                                  So the Trump team shouldn't have been briefed? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:54:47
                                                       uhhhh - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:57:34
                                                            They were already investigating Trump's team - Sal KC - 3/28 12:42:15
                                        Do you even read your own responses? Adoption = Collusion? - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/28 10:19:19
                                             It wasn't a meeting about adoption, Rhay - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:20:45
                                                  Why won't you address the bogus - Sal KC - 3/28 10:21:30
                                                       So the FISA warrants were 100% based off the Steele - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:24:22
                                                            if it were 1% based on the dossier and the other 99% - blake1771 KC - 3/28 11:22:32
                                                            Not 100%, but McCabe stated without the dossier - Sal KC - 3/28 10:36:44
                                                            Yes, they are, they ignore everything else and pretend it - playhard KC - 3/28 10:30:18
                                                                 What are you specifically referring to? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:35:54
                                                                      Good lord Sal, really? - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:38:35
                                                                           I don’t know why sal suffers you but let me step in - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/28 11:00:25
                                                                                Sal was contending that the Steele dossier was the - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 11:04:05
                                                                                     McCabe stated it was (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 12:42:41
                                                                           Yes, please go on - Sal KC - 3/28 10:41:07
                                        the entire thing was and is a lie (nm) - pickle MU - 3/28 10:18:53
                              LMAO! (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/28 10:13:04
     This post is rask-level stupid (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/28 10:04:54
     Lol @ playtard, not realizing it was a coup. Nmjj - yy4u MU - 3/28 10:03:45
     Or LOL at Dems for overplaying their 'It's TREASON!' hand - Spanky KU - 3/28 10:02:38
          I personally like the lefts.... - JayRoy KC - 3/28 10:08:48
               Yup. The ones screaming the loudest, the ones with the most - hokie VT - 3/28 10:14:14
          both are hypebole - Ferg STL - 3/28 10:05:30
               Agreed.. no Treason, but perilously close to Sedition - Spanky KU - 3/28 10:11:50
               What do you call a sitting adminstration - Sal KC - 3/28 10:07:08
                    does this apply? - Ferg STL - 3/28 10:08:51
                         Violence not required (bloodless coup) - Spanky KU - 3/28 10:21:20
                         yes (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:10:54
                              OK, I guess I missed it. - Ferg STL - 3/28 10:13:37
                                   what else would you call it? - Sal KC - 3/28 10:14:50
                                        call what? There was an investigation - Ferg STL - 3/28 10:16:54
                                             Sal wants to arrest these traitors who attempted the coup - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:18:30
                                                  more dramatic rhetoric from a partisan hack (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:20:05
                                                       Look in a mirror, schmuck (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:20:56
                                                            You literally fail to address points and answer - Sal KC - 3/28 10:22:26
                                             An investigation that started - Sal KC - 3/28 10:18:20
     When did common sense logic start being defined... - JayRoy KC - 3/28 09:58:13
          Definitions. For socialists, definitions are flexible. Nm - hokie VT - 3/28 10:07:12
     And he is correct. (nm) - TheWildcat STL - 3/28 09:56:52
     Yes, it was an attempted coup. - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/28 09:56:32
          RE: Yes, it was an attempted coup. - TigerAviator16 MU - 3/28 10:12:14
               VDH is the shiznit(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/28 11:24:49
     lol it's totally natural to spy on an elected president - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/28 09:53:57
          According to JG and similar folks, Trump lied when he said - hokie VT - 3/28 10:05:48
          the irony (nm) - pickle MU - 3/28 09:57:14
     Brennan, Clapper, and Comey are all anti-Trump - Sal KC - 3/28 09:51:10
          Magically a political, great post. Brandon hates our country - hokie VT - 3/28 09:58:00
          Was Starr’s investigation a coup?(nm) - playhard KC - 3/28 09:53:09
               RE: Was Starr’s investigation a coup?(nm) - scan MU - 3/28 10:02:58
               So Bubba actively sexually harassing a intern - TGR84 MU - 3/28 10:01:36
               Was Star’s investigation based upon fake warrants? Did - DHighlander NWMSU - 3/28 09:59:00
               lol are you people allergic to google? - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/28 09:57:28
               Did a political party pay for foreign spies to create fake - TigerMatt STL - 3/28 09:55:55
                    lol what a bizarre response to my post - Sal KC - 3/28 09:56:30
               That is a fantastic deflection, but no it wasn't a coup - Sal KC - 3/28 09:54:46
     What else could it be called?(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 3/28 09:48:17
          It would only be a coup - Ferg STL - 3/28 09:51:55
               That isn't true (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 09:54:56
                    why? - Ferg STL - 3/28 09:59:26
                         inside people installing one favorable to them - pickle MU - 3/28 10:03:09
                         The person who would take over doesn't - Sal KC - 3/28 10:00:33
                              yeah ok, that makes sense - Ferg STL - 3/28 10:02:57
                                   The party is the War Party Establishment. the Deep State (nm) - pickle MU - 3/28 10:08:05
                                   What? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:05:22
               nope. The US has launched coups - pickle MU - 3/28 09:54:37

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