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Of course it was a coup attempt. Some of us said so two yrs

Posted on: March 28, 2019 at 09:53:47 CT
hokie VT
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8.57 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:

It was obvious to anyone willing to see the truth. That of course leaves out people like you and the raskol and many others. You probably didn’t think of that Lenin seizing power in Russia was an overthrow of the government, either.

When you approve of actions, they are good.
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Lol @ trump...it was a coup - playhard KC - 3/28 09:46:19
     He's been right about most things. nm. - MUTGR MU - 3/28 10:44:12
          Is that why he has told more than 8,000 lies since election - raskolnikov MU - 3/28 11:07:06
     RE: Lol @ trump...it was a coup - MOCO SON MU - 3/28 10:39:27
     RE:it was a coup: Clearly, you are incapable of - None**** MU - 3/28 10:19:20
          I would have thought by now the scary black man thing - playhard KC - 3/28 10:35:30
               RE: I would have thought by now the scary black man thing - None**** MU - 3/28 10:58:19
               You don't think Obama knew any of this - Sal KC - 3/28 10:39:02
                    He is probably responsible for assassinating JFK and - playhard KC - 3/28 10:44:28
                         lol jfc you're an idiot (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:45:10
                              I thought i was a coward? Make up your mind Sal - playhard KC - 3/28 10:49:49
                                   You're both. I get it, you bought into the story - Sal KC - 3/28 10:51:02
                    Obama shadow government takeover again? (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:40:45
                         Answer the question - Sal KC - 3/28 10:41:39
          I think liberals are so scared to admit it's true - Sal KC - 3/28 10:23:13
               they don’t want to admit they fell for lies - pickle MU - 3/28 10:48:59
     I’m going to help you all out - playhard KC - 3/28 10:06:13
          RE: I’m going to help you all out - MOCO SON MU - 3/28 11:14:25
          By showing you can post random articles? - MIZ45 MU - 3/28 10:09:39
          Since you're a coward and run away from questions - Sal KC - 3/28 10:07:54
               Name calling? That's a switch from your normal routine - playhard KC - 3/28 10:28:14
                    Why won't you answer the question? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:34:57
                    Sal is on one calling people partisan hacks too - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:29:23
                         neither of you will answer simple questions - Sal KC - 3/28 10:35:31
                              lol, jfc - playhard KC - 3/28 10:37:02
                                   Then address the points and question in this post - Sal KC - 3/28 10:37:35
                         He's turned in to hokie(nm) - playhard KC - 3/28 10:30:48
               It wasn't a coup attempt, Sal - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:09:56
                    What do you call it? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:10:26
                         I would call it as it was - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:12:33
                              the problem with your hypothesis is that it would take a f'n - blake1771 KC - 3/28 10:44:57
                              Hillary couldn’t win a massively rigged election in her - TigerAviator16 MU - 3/28 10:22:45
                              bullshyte. Hillary created that line of crap your peddling. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/28 10:17:59
                              lol (nm) - pickle MU - 3/28 10:17:38
                              By using a hoax document to obtain warrants? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:14:09
                                   There were concerns of Trump campaign officials - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:17:38
                                        "concerns" =/= justification to spy on a political - Sal KC - 3/28 10:19:30
                                             Again, look in a mirror(nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:21:30
                                                  So the Trump team shouldn't have been briefed? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:54:47
                                                       uhhhh - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:57:34
                                                            They were already investigating Trump's team - Sal KC - 3/28 12:42:15
                                        Do you even read your own responses? Adoption = Collusion? - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/28 10:19:19
                                             It wasn't a meeting about adoption, Rhay - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:20:45
                                                  Why won't you address the bogus - Sal KC - 3/28 10:21:30
                                                       So the FISA warrants were 100% based off the Steele - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:24:22
                                                            if it were 1% based on the dossier and the other 99% - blake1771 KC - 3/28 11:22:32
                                                            Not 100%, but McCabe stated without the dossier - Sal KC - 3/28 10:36:44
                                                            Yes, they are, they ignore everything else and pretend it - playhard KC - 3/28 10:30:18
                                                                 What are you specifically referring to? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:35:54
                                                                      Good lord Sal, really? - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:38:35
                                                                           I don’t know why sal suffers you but let me step in - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/28 11:00:25
                                                                                Sal was contending that the Steele dossier was the - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 11:04:05
                                                                                     McCabe stated it was (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 12:42:41
                                                                           Yes, please go on - Sal KC - 3/28 10:41:07
                                        the entire thing was and is a lie (nm) - pickle MU - 3/28 10:18:53
                              LMAO! (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/28 10:13:04
     This post is rask-level stupid (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/28 10:04:54
     Lol @ playtard, not realizing it was a coup. Nmjj - yy4u MU - 3/28 10:03:45
     Or LOL at Dems for overplaying their 'It's TREASON!' hand - Spanky KU - 3/28 10:02:38
          I personally like the lefts.... - JayRoy KC - 3/28 10:08:48
               Yup. The ones screaming the loudest, the ones with the most - hokie VT - 3/28 10:14:14
          both are hypebole - Ferg STL - 3/28 10:05:30
               Agreed.. no Treason, but perilously close to Sedition - Spanky KU - 3/28 10:11:50
               What do you call a sitting adminstration - Sal KC - 3/28 10:07:08
                    does this apply? - Ferg STL - 3/28 10:08:51
                         Violence not required (bloodless coup) - Spanky KU - 3/28 10:21:20
                         yes (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:10:54
                              OK, I guess I missed it. - Ferg STL - 3/28 10:13:37
                                   what else would you call it? - Sal KC - 3/28 10:14:50
                                        call what? There was an investigation - Ferg STL - 3/28 10:16:54
                                             Sal wants to arrest these traitors who attempted the coup - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:18:30
                                                  more dramatic rhetoric from a partisan hack (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:20:05
                                                       Look in a mirror, schmuck (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 3/28 10:20:56
                                                            You literally fail to address points and answer - Sal KC - 3/28 10:22:26
                                             An investigation that started - Sal KC - 3/28 10:18:20
     When did common sense logic start being defined... - JayRoy KC - 3/28 09:58:13
          Definitions. For socialists, definitions are flexible. Nm - hokie VT - 3/28 10:07:12
     And he is correct. (nm) - TheWildcat STL - 3/28 09:56:52
     Yes, it was an attempted coup. - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/28 09:56:32
          RE: Yes, it was an attempted coup. - TigerAviator16 MU - 3/28 10:12:14
               VDH is the shiznit(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/28 11:24:49
     lol it's totally natural to spy on an elected president - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/28 09:53:57
          According to JG and similar folks, Trump lied when he said - hokie VT - 3/28 10:05:48
     Of course it was a coup attempt. Some of us said so two yrs - hokie VT - 3/28 09:53:47
          the irony (nm) - pickle MU - 3/28 09:57:14
     Brennan, Clapper, and Comey are all anti-Trump - Sal KC - 3/28 09:51:10
          Magically a political, great post. Brandon hates our country - hokie VT - 3/28 09:58:00
          Was Starr’s investigation a coup?(nm) - playhard KC - 3/28 09:53:09
               RE: Was Starr’s investigation a coup?(nm) - scan MU - 3/28 10:02:58
               So Bubba actively sexually harassing a intern - TGR84 MU - 3/28 10:01:36
               Was Star’s investigation based upon fake warrants? Did - DHighlander NWMSU - 3/28 09:59:00
               lol are you people allergic to google? - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/28 09:57:28
               Did a political party pay for foreign spies to create fake - TigerMatt STL - 3/28 09:55:55
                    lol what a bizarre response to my post - Sal KC - 3/28 09:56:30
               That is a fantastic deflection, but no it wasn't a coup - Sal KC - 3/28 09:54:46
     What else could it be called?(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 3/28 09:48:17
          It would only be a coup - Ferg STL - 3/28 09:51:55
               That isn't true (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 09:54:56
                    why? - Ferg STL - 3/28 09:59:26
                         inside people installing one favorable to them - pickle MU - 3/28 10:03:09
                         The person who would take over doesn't - Sal KC - 3/28 10:00:33
                              yeah ok, that makes sense - Ferg STL - 3/28 10:02:57
                                   The party is the War Party Establishment. the Deep State (nm) - pickle MU - 3/28 10:08:05
                                   What? (nm) - Sal KC - 3/28 10:05:22
               nope. The US has launched coups - pickle MU - 3/28 09:54:37

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