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RE: Only saw about 15 minutes

Posted on: February 28, 2019 at 07:00:56 CT
scan MU
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20.90 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I don't watch CNN, but I will flip to it occasionally to see what they're covering. Trump is talking to Kim about a possible nuclear deal, yet during the twenty or so times I flipped last night it was all Cohen all the time.
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I admit, I turned on MSNBC - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 2/28 06:40:24
     MSNBC? There are better places to find analysis of - None**** MU - 2/28 07:46:39
     You little slut.(nm) - Toger STL - 2/28 07:42:09
     Lanny Davis, special council to President Clinton is Cohen's - Floyd Turbo 99 - 2/28 07:29:36
          swamp is gonna swamp (nm) - Sal KC - 2/28 07:30:16
     Did you feel you needed to take a shower afterwards? - DoltfromSTL MU - 2/28 07:16:25
     I figured that you'd be glued to fox for the nobel talk. - tigerdb MU - 2/28 07:03:48
          Were you as critical to CNN and MSNBC - Sal KC - 2/28 07:13:58
               Are you as critical of trump for having the Japanese nom - tigerdb MU - 2/28 07:40:43
                    I thought it was dumb as hell Obama got it - Sal KC - 2/28 07:43:35
     RE: I admit, I turned on MSNBC - scan MU - 2/28 06:51:12
          Cohen made some startling statements against Trump - None**** MU - 2/28 07:00:41
               Cohen saw how the left and media took to Comey and McCabe - Sal KC - 2/28 07:12:02
               Hard to argue with that - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 2/28 07:06:54
          Only saw about 15 minutes - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 2/28 06:54:28
               RE: Only saw about 15 minutes - scan MU - 2/28 07:00:56

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