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RE: Memories on Mel Gray as a Tiger

Posted on: January 16, 2019 at 06:15:08 CT
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25.23 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Mel and Tyrone Walls lived around the corner from me. He was recruited out if Santa Rosa, California But was placed at Fort Scott Juco in Kansas. Then, he was. 9.4 sprinter in the 100 yards

He transferred in after one year, caught plenty of bombs over three years as well as several Big 8 track championships

Wherli was a Senior All American when Mel was a sophomore
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Memories on Mel Gray as a Tiger - econprofaj MU - 1/15 21:59:38
     Yes, and Joe Moore. Many great players - BingBing MU - 1/16 12:55:50
          RE: Yes, and Joe Moore. Many great players - Grizzly999 MU - 1/16 15:25:15
               If McMilian would have just handed the ball to those 2 - El Zorro MU - 1/16 17:37:22
          RE: Yes, and Joe Moore. Many great players - BingBing MU - 1/16 12:57:22
     RE: Memories on Mel Gray as a Tiger - Grizzly999 MU - 1/16 12:39:23
          I can't think of McMillan without thinking of Penn State (nm) - samclemens MU - 1/16 12:17:27
          RE: I can not think of Gray at Mizzou with thinking of McMillan. - Bobber MU - 1/16 11:28:41
     McMillian to Gray on a fly pattern - El Zorro MU - 1/16 10:16:00
     I saw them both----Werhli was the better player but Gray.... - mu7176grad MU - 1/16 10:06:45
     Big Red memories, Hart to Gray....touchdown.....nm - tigertix MU - 1/16 08:43:33
          November 16, 1975 - Grizzly999 MU - 1/16 12:44:00
     They played together in '68 (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 1/16 08:04:05
     If I'm not mistaken, their careers at Mizzou did not overlap - Deputy Dawg MU - 1/16 07:59:58
          RE: If I'm not mistaken, their careers at Mizzou did not overlap - CPA MU - 1/16 09:23:02
          PS. Wehrli was the best D back ever to come out of Mizzou - Deputy Dawg MU - 1/16 08:03:56
               I think it was Staubach, who claimed he made Wehrli All-Pro(nm) - tigersailor MU - 1/16 08:17:53
     Roger Wherli was dominant at Mizzou in the defensive - samclemens MU - 1/16 07:24:45
          RE: Roger Wherli was dominant at Mizzou in the defensive - CPA MU - 1/16 09:21:41
               Roper threw a beautiful tight spiral. - samclemens MU - 1/16 12:20:44
     RE: Memories on Mel Gray as a Tiger-I was too young to - Stewart SLU - 1/16 06:25:57
          Air Coryell - Grizzly999 MU - 1/16 12:45:30
               RE: Air Coryell- They were the GSOT before the actual one. - Stewart SLU - 1/16 14:18:56
                    RE: Air Coryell- They were the GSOT before the actual one. - Grizzly999 MU - 1/16 15:24:18
     RE: Memories on Mel Gray as a Tiger - Phlalum MU - 1/16 00:41:39
          At the US Championships one year he claimed the winner - tigertix MU - 1/16 09:00:15
          RE: Memories on Mel Gray as a Tiger - CPA MU - 1/16 06:15:08
     RE: Memories on Mel Gray as a Tiger - pinkman MU - 1/15 22:13:33
          RE: Memories on Mel Gray as a Tiger - CPA MU - 1/16 06:06:35
          RE: Memories on Mel Gray as a Tiger - slippers-on MU - 1/15 22:17:13

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