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Failure to receive recognition for this year's product comes

Posted on: November 25, 2018 at 16:47:09 CT
MizzouTigerz MU
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20.91 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
down to convincing people that the evidence is legit. People who think like you, but who are wrapped up in last year's narrative is the problem. We've won 14 of the last 19 games. We have some great young talent which Odom has recruited, while combating your kind of help, which supplies the, "Mizzou's own fans want him gone" narrative to the competition. Thanks for the help.

Consensus #12. That's impressive.

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Odom is STILL NOT the MAN for the job - drfrightner MU - 11/25 16:22:20
     Interesting how Lock had crap results most of the time - MizzouTigerz MU - 11/25 18:30:43
     Win this years bowl game. Raise the team recruiting - rlfstl MU - 11/25 16:55:29
     Failure to receive recognition for this year's product comes - MizzouTigerz MU - 11/25 16:47:09
     Chill out dude. I’m worried about you.(nm) - GapDaddy MU - 11/25 16:35:25
     RE: Odom is STILL NOT the MAN for the job - tmb333 MU - 11/25 16:35:10
     You are impressively uninformed - FootballRefugee MU - 11/25 16:33:45
          LOL(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 11/25 16:35:33
     Vote tbis beaker troll off the island nm - Catfish MU - 11/25 16:28:43
     Go back to the beaker board d-bag. (nm) - go tigers MU - 11/25 16:27:46
     we are waiting for Saban to be fired(nm) - afleet MU - 11/25 16:25:03

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