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Odom is STILL NOT the MAN for the job

Posted on: November 25, 2018 at 16:22:20 CT
drfrightner MU
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11.53 yrs
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All this non-sense about Odom leaving... let him leave.

His recruiting classes are dead last year after year.

He's won with the best QB money can buy against very poor teams... there is a lot of people on this board constantly bashing Lock. Listen to any expert and you'll hear them talk about Lock being able to make any throw, how strong he is, everything.

Barry did not recruit Lock who will end up going in the top 10 of next years draft. When Hall was on the field Lock was awesome when he wasn't lets face it the talent level isn't there... Lock needds at least one guy he can throw the ball to.

Lock is gone. Who has Barry recruited to replace him... this Conner guy who's ranking just got dropped from 4 stars to 3? Obviously they're concerned as they're going hard after Clemson cast off.

You have an NFL TOP 10 DRAFT PICK on your team for all three years you've been coach and you couldn't beat ONE TEAM with a winning record until this year.

What is going to happen when you don't have that #1 QB next year?

Mizzou fans are getting all whipped up in a frenzy because we did the same thing we did last year... essentially beating the same teams again... ARK, FLD, VANDY, TENN. WOW GO CRAZY FOLKS!

Numbers don't lie

Record of teams we've beat this year non-conference 22-25. Record of teams we beat conference 22-26. Record of teams we lost to 38-9.

We went 4-4 in the conference and confernce record of those teams was 10-22.

We should have beat South Carolina and Kentucky but I think everyone would admit that COACHING GAFF cost us both games. We should have beat Georgia in Odom first year again coaching errors.

When the pressure is on coaches show their true colors and Odom can't win because he can't come thru when it counts...

Bottom line is this is a recruiting game and Odom just can't recruit... again he's DEAD LAST in the SEC as usual.

You can't honestly evaluate Odom until LOCK IS GONE!

A lot of coaches look smart when they have Kurt Warner, Peyton Manning, Tom Bradey, Drew Brees as their quarterback.

I'm not comparing Lock to those guys but as for as college yes you can compare him to anyone who's ever played. He set the record for TD last year in the SEC.
Lock has passed Peyton Manning for every possible stat... I'm not praising Lock I'm stating a fact that Odom got a blessing in Lock.

But now what?

Next year if Mizzou goes 3-9 he's fired right? So why the extension, why the false hype? The guy is making 2 million dollars a year coaching a team he should have never been hired for... let him show you what he's made of going thru a season without an NFL QB.

Mizzou is going to attract good coaches because of the facility, location between two major cities, being the states only D1 Football program and being in the SEC.

DO NOT INVEST A CENT into ODOM until he shows he can continue to improve after he's lost probably the best QB who's ever laced it up for Mizzou.

If he can do it again next year I'd be all in... but my prediction something like 4-8 5-7 is going to be the result maybe worse.

Why Mizzou fans get excited about once again beating a bunch of teams that aren't very good with the TOP QB prospect in the draft is sad.
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Odom is STILL NOT the MAN for the job - drfrightner MU - 11/25 16:22:20
     Interesting how Lock had crap results most of the time - MizzouTigerz MU - 11/25 18:30:43
     Win this years bowl game. Raise the team recruiting - rlfstl MU - 11/25 16:55:29
     Failure to receive recognition for this year's product comes - MizzouTigerz MU - 11/25 16:47:09
     Chill out dude. I’m worried about you.(nm) - GapDaddy MU - 11/25 16:35:25
     RE: Odom is STILL NOT the MAN for the job - tmb333 MU - 11/25 16:35:10
     You are impressively uninformed - FootballRefugee MU - 11/25 16:33:45
          LOL(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 11/25 16:35:33
     Vote tbis beaker troll off the island nm - Catfish MU - 11/25 16:28:43
     Go back to the beaker board d-bag. (nm) - go tigers MU - 11/25 16:27:46
     we are waiting for Saban to be fired(nm) - afleet MU - 11/25 16:25:03

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