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Socialists, like the raskol and JG think they get around

Posted on: November 5, 2018 at 09:38:35 CT
hokie VT
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8.65 yrs
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lying by changing the meanings of words.

Changing the interpretation. Ignoring the context.

Their lies are more subtle in the definitions rather than in the proclamations.

They are lies, of course. But this gives them some imagined protection from people who see the vulgarity of their lies.
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     Tell that to david duke and the - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/5 10:33:14
          What they say and think is of no concern to me(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 10:51:19
               Their movement should be crushed... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/5 10:57:25
                    He didn't equivocate at all. You buy into a lot of liberal - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 11:24:17
                         He did... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/5 11:30:37
     He said "there are GOOD people on both sides, on both sides" - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:25:17
          You're so goddam stupid it wouldn't matter how he said it - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/5 09:34:01
               Here is the vid, boy. - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:39:48
                    lol, did you watch it? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 11/5 10:07:53
                    “And i’m not talking about the neo-nazis....” - Spanky KU - 11/5 09:59:21
                         He couldn't have been more clear. It is amazing how dumb ras - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 10:00:36
                    lol, you are so dumb. That vid proved my point. He was - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:43:51
          You heard what you wanted to hear because you're simple(nm) - Gaseous Clay MU - 11/5 09:27:35
               Who you going to believe them or your lying eyes - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:32:01
                    You're a perfect target for those who want power because - Gaseous Clay MU - 11/5 09:37:19
                         This is a trick presser then? : - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:40:41
                              To you, I guess it was(nm) - Gaseous Clay MU - 11/5 09:52:44
                    Both sides of the statue debate. You are a dishonest pos - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:33:16
                         Right, uh huh - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:39:23
                              And TheClown denounced their violence. You are a dishonest - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:40:53
                                   No, his answer to denouncing was the line that there - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:45:36
                                        You are a dishonest partisan pos hack(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:46:01
          False. Both sides of the statue debate. Stop lying(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:27:02
               Comment was about the violence from the day before - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:32:34
                    Comment was about the debate that led to the violence from - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:34:17
                         RE: Comment was about the debate that led to the violence from - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:42:23
                              You are a dishonest pos partisan hack (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:44:30
                                   RE: You are a dishonest pos partisan hack (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:44:44
     Yup. I made the point below, to the raskol. He won’t - hokie VT - 11/5 09:21:56
          "Both sides" - one of the sides were neo-nazi's - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:28:16
               you are simply dishonest (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:33:11
                    RE: you are simply dishonest (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:42:38
                    What is he wrong about? - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:41:26
                         Not everyone there was part of the same group. There were - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:52:31
                              Was the "unite the right" rally - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:54:36
                                   No idea. I dont even know who those people are. I do know - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:56:59
                                        It is possible - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:59:03
                                             So you do think that anyone who is against the removal - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 10:01:55
                    Socialists, like the raskol and JG think they get around - hokie VT - 11/5 09:38:35
                         RE: Socialists, like the raskol and JG think they get around - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:43:09
                              Watch your own link. Multiple times he talks about - hokie VT - 11/5 10:12:18
                                   And he leads you by the nose . . . do you think the prez - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 10:49:54
               No. One side was for removing statues, another was not. Stop - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:30:04
                    Here you go buddy boy - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:44:32
                         Again, your dishonest pos partisan hackery is on - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:50:50
               I’m sure you’re right princess. Now, off you go… nm - hokie VT - 11/5 09:29:52
     I think you're incorrect here. He was specifically speaking - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:20:56
          False. His statement came after the Charlottesville incident - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:26:24
               The Charlottesville incident was during the unite the right - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:28:01
                    He didn't say there were nice white supremacists - Sal KC - 11/5 09:30:01
                    Are you saying that everyone who was against removing - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:29:12
                         Lol, I didn't come close to saying that - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:33:06
                              So you agree with TheClown then that there are fine - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:35:32
                                   lol I'm not sure what he's attempting to - Sal KC - 11/5 09:36:24
                                        He bought into the false narrative and now has to wear it(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:37:18
                                             What false narrative am I buying into? - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:39:21
                                                  There were and are lots of people that were against the - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:49:28
                                                  You said Reino was incorrect - Sal KC - 11/5 09:41:12
                                                       He wasn't speaking about people protesting the removal - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:42:06
                                                            They were there to protest the removal of the statue (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:45:41
                                                                 You could learn a lot, by listening to what the rally - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:51:02
                                                                      it was in response to the statue (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:53:04
                                                                           Then why did the RNC specifically condemn White Supremacists - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 10:00:41
                                                                                To placate the whiney left in the media. (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 10:03:16
                                                                                Again, nobody is claiming those people were't there - Sal KC - 11/5 10:01:34
                                                                                     I'm really not. I've been consistent in saying - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 10:09:37
                                                            Wrong. Watch the video the dishonest pos partisan - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:45:28
                                                                 RE: Wrong. Watch the video the dishonest pos partisan - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:52:04
                                                                      There were plenty there just protesting the removal of - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:54:52
                              and? (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:34:02
                                   You said "No" to my original post saying I thought Reino - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:36:04
                                        Do you even know what you're trying to argue - Sal KC - 11/5 09:36:53
                                             he's moving the goal posts and changing the argument in - 90Tiger MU - 11/5 10:44:31
          No (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:23:51
               RE: No (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:24:39
          No (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 11/5 09:22:50
               Okay. Good talk Russ (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:24:02
     True, he was vague about it - Mormad MU - 11/5 09:20:51
     But that doesn't fit a narrative (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:20:01

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