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Lol, I didn't come close to saying that

Posted on: November 5, 2018 at 09:33:06 CT
MrBlueSky MU
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     Tell that to david duke and the - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/5 10:33:14
          What they say and think is of no concern to me(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 10:51:19
               Their movement should be crushed... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/5 10:57:25
                    He didn't equivocate at all. You buy into a lot of liberal - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 11:24:17
                         He did... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/5 11:30:37
     He said "there are GOOD people on both sides, on both sides" - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:25:17
          You're so goddam stupid it wouldn't matter how he said it - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/5 09:34:01
               Here is the vid, boy. - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:39:48
                    lol, did you watch it? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 11/5 10:07:53
                    “And i’m not talking about the neo-nazis....” - Spanky KU - 11/5 09:59:21
                         He couldn't have been more clear. It is amazing how dumb ras - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 10:00:36
                    lol, you are so dumb. That vid proved my point. He was - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:43:51
          You heard what you wanted to hear because you're simple(nm) - Gaseous Clay MU - 11/5 09:27:35
               Who you going to believe them or your lying eyes - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:32:01
                    You're a perfect target for those who want power because - Gaseous Clay MU - 11/5 09:37:19
                         This is a trick presser then? : - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:40:41
                              To you, I guess it was(nm) - Gaseous Clay MU - 11/5 09:52:44
                    Both sides of the statue debate. You are a dishonest pos - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:33:16
                         Right, uh huh - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:39:23
                              And TheClown denounced their violence. You are a dishonest - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:40:53
                                   No, his answer to denouncing was the line that there - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:45:36
                                        You are a dishonest partisan pos hack(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:46:01
          False. Both sides of the statue debate. Stop lying(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:27:02
               Comment was about the violence from the day before - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:32:34
                    Comment was about the debate that led to the violence from - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:34:17
                         RE: Comment was about the debate that led to the violence from - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:42:23
                              You are a dishonest pos partisan hack (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:44:30
                                   RE: You are a dishonest pos partisan hack (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:44:44
     Yup. I made the point below, to the raskol. He won’t - hokie VT - 11/5 09:21:56
          "Both sides" - one of the sides were neo-nazi's - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:28:16
               you are simply dishonest (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:33:11
                    RE: you are simply dishonest (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:42:38
                    What is he wrong about? - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:41:26
                         Not everyone there was part of the same group. There were - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:52:31
                              Was the "unite the right" rally - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:54:36
                                   No idea. I dont even know who those people are. I do know - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:56:59
                                        It is possible - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:59:03
                                             So you do think that anyone who is against the removal - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 10:01:55
                    Socialists, like the raskol and JG think they get around - hokie VT - 11/5 09:38:35
                         RE: Socialists, like the raskol and JG think they get around - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:43:09
                              Watch your own link. Multiple times he talks about - hokie VT - 11/5 10:12:18
                                   And he leads you by the nose . . . do you think the prez - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 10:49:54
               No. One side was for removing statues, another was not. Stop - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:30:04
                    Here you go buddy boy - raskolnikov MU - 11/5 09:44:32
                         Again, your dishonest pos partisan hackery is on - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:50:50
               I’m sure you’re right princess. Now, off you go… nm - hokie VT - 11/5 09:29:52
     I think you're incorrect here. He was specifically speaking - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:20:56
          False. His statement came after the Charlottesville incident - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:26:24
               The Charlottesville incident was during the unite the right - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:28:01
                    He didn't say there were nice white supremacists - Sal KC - 11/5 09:30:01
                    Are you saying that everyone who was against removing - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:29:12
                         Lol, I didn't come close to saying that - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:33:06
                              So you agree with TheClown then that there are fine - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:35:32
                                   lol I'm not sure what he's attempting to - Sal KC - 11/5 09:36:24
                                        He bought into the false narrative and now has to wear it(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:37:18
                                             What false narrative am I buying into? - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:39:21
                                                  There were and are lots of people that were against the - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:49:28
                                                  You said Reino was incorrect - Sal KC - 11/5 09:41:12
                                                       He wasn't speaking about people protesting the removal - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:42:06
                                                            They were there to protest the removal of the statue (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:45:41
                                                                 You could learn a lot, by listening to what the rally - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:51:02
                                                                      it was in response to the statue (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:53:04
                                                                           Then why did the RNC specifically condemn White Supremacists - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 10:00:41
                                                                                To placate the whiney left in the media. (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 10:03:16
                                                                                Again, nobody is claiming those people were't there - Sal KC - 11/5 10:01:34
                                                                                     I'm really not. I've been consistent in saying - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 10:09:37
                                                            Wrong. Watch the video the dishonest pos partisan - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:45:28
                                                                 RE: Wrong. Watch the video the dishonest pos partisan - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:52:04
                                                                      There were plenty there just protesting the removal of - hefeweizen MU - 11/5 09:54:52
                              and? (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:34:02
                                   You said "No" to my original post saying I thought Reino - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:36:04
                                        Do you even know what you're trying to argue - Sal KC - 11/5 09:36:53
                                             he's moving the goal posts and changing the argument in - 90Tiger MU - 11/5 10:44:31
          No (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:23:51
               RE: No (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:24:39
          No (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 11/5 09:22:50
               Okay. Good talk Russ (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 11/5 09:24:02
     True, he was vague about it - Mormad MU - 11/5 09:20:51
     But that doesn't fit a narrative (nm) - Sal KC - 11/5 09:20:01

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