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We need a statement win.....next game would be a start

Posted on: September 22, 2018 at 21:40:57 CT
MoGold MU
Member For:
23.28 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
And the nice thing is we will have a chance to prove it on the field. I hope the team plays as hard as they did today but cleans up the mistakes.....if we can do that we only lose one more more game this year......but we can’t let down on these struggling teams. D needs to continue to improve.

Edited by MoGold at 21:47:56 on 09/22/18
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     RE: UT/UF annoucers: 2nd best team in the east convo - Canis UGA - 9/23 09:19:14
     RE: UT/UF annoucers: 2nd best team in the east convo - Game Cok USC - 9/22 21:58:29
     just win and their opinions will change.Until then who cares - STLTIGER MU - 9/22 21:49:43
          Yep, we get to play them all on the field and prove it - MoGold MU - 9/22 21:52:04
     We need a statement win.....next game would be a start - MoGold MU - 9/22 21:40:57
          We will not win next week. - DrViagra MU - 9/22 21:44:33
               Spot on.(nm) - MOOZOO MU - 9/22 22:03:35
          I like your thinking, but next week is a bye we play USCe on - MUTGR MU - 9/22 21:42:43
               Sorry, made the correction....we play like today we win - MoGold MU - 9/22 21:48:50
          RE: We need a statement win.....next week would be a start - Tigers_BB STL - 9/22 21:41:58
               I’m sorry....I didn’t realize you were both dumb and blind - MoGold MU - 9/22 21:50:35
     RE: UT/UF annoucers: 2nd best team in the east convo - Tigers_BB STL - 9/22 21:38:32
          But you’re the top retard here tonight - Gary P. MU - 9/22 21:52:11
          Ok, if you’re trying to pose as an MU fan your poor at it - MoGold MU - 9/22 21:43:34
          Based on?? (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 9/22 21:40:30

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