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You hear? Wait, you don't live there currently, or are

Posted on: June 16, 2018 at 10:28:09 CT
HandBanana MU
Member For:
14.05 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
originally from there, lived there once, know Bill Gates and Bezos like they are brothers? Unpossible! Oh, your great uncle probably designed the space needle too!
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     Have you’ve been to the Hofbräuhaus in - STL1DFW STL - 6/16 00:00:24
          There's more than two, and ours opened 15 years ago.(nm) - Zeaux MU - 6/16 13:34:34
               No & No, smh! Vegas is way smaller than STL. Tiny - STL1DFW STL - 6/16 17:10:11
          Recently? I went to the Vegas David Hasselhoff - HandBanana MU - 6/16 09:45:11
               You’re confused & wrong as usual, bumpkin(nm) - STL1DFW STL - 6/16 17:10:32
          Thx, Captain Google! - Gary P. MU - 6/16 09:34:15
               Well, Captain Butthurt Psycho, if talking to them on the - STL1DFW STL - 6/16 17:13:36
                    Eeeaaasssyyyyy...take a deep breath, - Gary P. MU - 6/17 06:11:28
                         ⬆️ Resident Sociopath spending even more time responding - STL1DFW STL - 6/17 15:19:25
               Ha! Yes! - HandBanana MU - 6/16 09:45:29
                    Uh, why wouldn’t you be able to find almost any restaurant - STL1DFW STL - 6/16 17:16:44
     mega SHACKWORTHY, (nm) - smoke MU - 6/15 23:28:38
     Do it (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 6/15 22:58:41
          Okay. Ordering another beer. (nm) - Zeaux MU - 6/15 22:59:02
               I’ve been informed by the drunk I’m a “good man” - Zeaux MU - 6/15 22:59:45
                    Giordanos. Sitting at the bar alone because Ms is in Seattle - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:01:40
                         I hear a good part of downtown Seattle smells like urine & - STL1DFW STL - 6/16 00:04:26
                              You hear? Wait, you don't live there currently, or are - HandBanana MU - 6/16 10:28:09
                                   ⬆️ I’ve been there plenty, but your Jealousy & - STL1DFW STL - 6/16 17:20:01
                                        More Mizzou slams from the Mizzou “fan.” - Gary P. MU - 6/17 06:10:17
                                             RE: More Mizzou slams from the Mizzou “fan.” - STL1DFW STL - 6/17 15:21:34
                              So it is very similar to St Louis then - Uncle Fester USMC - 6/16 00:31:01
                                   Munich? Yeah, without question STL has a lot in - STL1DFW STL - 6/16 00:48:17
                                        The only thing St Louis has in common with Germany - Uncle Fester USMC - 6/16 00:55:02
                                             Sounds just like like a Springfield Hillbilly!(nm) - STL1DFW STL - 6/16 01:19:12
                         Freaks out. Dude (me) do you know if they play the World Cup - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:04:17
                              I’m in my phone looking busy because I’m typing out that - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:07:12
                                   One the phone now. - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:10:03
                                        He now knows it’s on Sunday, as per the bartender. - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:10:48
                                             He’s going to go home and smoke a bowl. - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:13:04
                                                  He just wants to chill tonight. - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:15:04
                                                       He’s stopped looking toward me for conversation. - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:16:20
                                                            Oh ****. - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:17:15
                                                                 Claire talks a lot. - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:18:12
                                                                      Like a lot. (nm) - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:18:47
                                                                           I just felt like I finally... - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:19:42
                                                                                Methinks Claire is nine to happy. - Zeaux MU - 6/15 23:20:08
                                                                                     RE: Methinks Claire is nine to happy. - STL1DFW STL - 6/16 17:21:31

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