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lighting and angles are important

Posted on: April 18, 2018 at 15:49:59 CT
cnk ATL
Member For:
25.38 yrs
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you can't just snap a random pic and expect it to work.

Oh, and comb your pubic hair.
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     Is she a hoe? - meatiger MU - 4/18 15:59:16
          No, she is not a garden implement. nm - Nebraska99 STL - 4/18 18:18:10
          no. not really. Seen him but never talked to him (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:59:58
               Now you have something to talk about - meatiger MU - 4/18 16:00:58
                    troof (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 16:03:12
     do woman collect those? nm - justwinbaby KC - 4/18 15:49:52
          I know one girl that does. She saves every one (she gets - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:58:42
               wait a minute - meatiger MU - 4/18 16:06:05
                    more to the point you missed is what the gals do with them (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 4/18 17:33:22
                    thats what I'm saying. lots of dudes seem to be - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 16:33:58
                         That's why u use snapchat(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 4/18 16:41:30
               I'd like to meet her(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 16:05:39
                    RE: I'd like to meet her(nm) - meatiger MU - 4/18 16:06:56
                         I'll I'm saying is - cnk ATL - 4/18 16:07:54
                              she is heavy (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 16:33:09
                                   the difference between harassment and courting is - 90Tiger MU - 4/18 17:34:16
     I don't know how often it works - Domino MU - 4/18 15:46:01
          i thought the idea was to get them to acknowledge your - 90Tiger MU - 4/18 15:57:29
               Yeah, poor wording on my part - Domino MU - 4/18 16:11:06
     Drunk or sober is the question(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 4/18 15:38:43
          I assume he was, but I don't really know the guy (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:40:07
               I've been using a new method - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 4/18 16:24:46
               does she know the guy?(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:41:01
                    yeah, she knows him but not super well and they have - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:41:35
                         uh, he sent her a dick pic - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:42:14
                              god damn thats true (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:44:28
                                   you should send her one too(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:45:01
                                        she would flip the off out - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:46:18
                                             Are you interested in having sex with her? If so send her - lqf2b8 MU - 4/18 15:48:45
                                                  no. No I am not. (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:50:11
                                                       Then I know who you're not talking about - Eggs MU - 4/18 15:51:35
                                                            ha. oh lord. (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:52:15
                                                                 is it that chick?(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:52:39
                                                                      how do you even remember? - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:57:28
                                                                           because I was talking to her about 10 minutes before - cnk ATL - 4/18 16:01:09
                                                                                wait. which one are you talking about? - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 16:03:58
                                                                                     not the bartender, she's a devil woman(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 16:05:13
                                                                                          ha ha. I will see her in a couple hours. COCKTAILS (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 16:06:07
                                                                                               the devil woman?(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 16:06:50
                                                                                                    yes. - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 16:08:14
                                                                                                         everyone scores at prom, dude!(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 16:09:33
                                                                                                              I'm going to hit on all the single girls at her apt - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 16:10:21
                                                                                                                   I wanna go(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 16:11:29
                                                                                                                        of course you do. She and her roommate are both nominated - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 16:12:32
                                                                                clearly you don't have friends like SupremeTiger(nm) - meatiger MU - 4/18 16:03:54
                                                       Is she really fat?(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:50:37
                                                            no (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:51:14
                                                                 oh, I'm out(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:52:30
                                                       then send her a comically tiny dick pic(nm) - lqf2b8 MU - 4/18 15:50:36
                                                  or a BBC(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 4/18 15:49:30
                                             dude - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:47:03
                                                  oh man you convinced me - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:48:53
                                                       lighting and angles are important - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:49:59
                                                            can't comb what you don't got (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:51:40
                              +1 (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 4/18 15:43:36
     You have a friend who knows Brett Favre?(nm) - Fred G. Sanford USA - 4/18 15:37:00
     never ever ever send the unsolicited dick pic - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:35:03
          or dickbutt(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 4/18 15:41:35
          agreed, a smoking pipe and monocle are also welcomed (nm) - lqf2b8 MU - 4/18 15:38:59
          the shack learned this lesson the hard way(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 4/18 15:35:41
     I have been shocked to learn how many guys do this - Eggs MU - 4/18 15:33:06
          Like the How I Met Your Mother "naked guy" - kmawv8 MU - 4/18 15:40:12
          that is my thought. I can't imagine why or how it would - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:34:18
               I guess all you need is for it to work the once to make the - LimerNick MU - 4/18 15:36:27
     you have more than one girlfriend?(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 4/18 15:31:48
          she is just a friend. who is a girl. (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:33:27
               hook me up(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:34:16
                    She doesn't like your popcorn bowl game(nm) - Eggs MU - 4/18 15:35:42
                         THAT POPCORN WAS POISONED!!!! IT'S NOT MY FAULT(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:36:31
                         no one does (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:36:15
                    with the pic? (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:34:35
                         sure(nm) - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:35:16
                              I'll have her forward it (nm) - Hamdogg KC - 4/18 15:35:36
                                   oh ****, she needs to tell him to get that growth on the - cnk ATL - 4/18 15:38:06
          Hammy pulls the wool(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 4/18 15:32:44

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