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YOU missed the point b/c the left WAS outraged when he TRIED

Posted on: February 9, 2018 at 12:59:44 CT
blake1771 MU
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to arrange that meeting. neither of them ACTUALLY met with Steele. and btw it was two of Nunes staffers who went to London and tried, unsuccessfully to meet with Steele's lawyers.

Did Nunes attempt to hide this trip and cover it up? Did Nunes try to contract a Russian oligarch With Russian mafia ties?

A congressional official insisted it would not be unusual for a committee staff director to organise a foreign fact-finding trip on his own authority.

Jon Huntsman: is Trump’s new ambassador to Russia a selfless public servant or opportunistic people-pleaser?
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However, Adam Blickstein, a former Democrat spokesman on the House intelligence committee, said he found that unlikely in such a sensitive investigation.

“In this specific scenario, I can’t imagine a staff director sending two staffers on this trip without the chairman knowing about it,” Blickstein said. “That wouldn’t pass the smell test.”

“I find the fact that they presumably spent taxpayer money to undertake such a hyper-partisan and unprofessional effort extremely troubling,” John Sipher, a former senior CIA officer said in an emailed comment. “There are normal ways to do this through our existing institutions, and their relationships with our British partners. This is bad on many levels.

“Republicans that are part of the House investigation should not be undertaking efforts without informing their Democratic colleagues,” Sipher added. “Not only is it unprofessional but it is impolite. Mr Steele was a professional who worked on important and compatible issues with the US. He deserves better than being ambushed by a bunch of hacks.”

Edited by blake1771 at 13:27:50 on 02/09/18
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Warner tried to meet with Steele - Badird MU - 2/9 11:33:50
     I had to google this story - Sal KC - 2/9 12:23:05
     RE: Warner tried to meet with Steele - MOCO SON MU - 2/9 12:06:30
     Not 'beforehand' - Spanky KU - 2/9 11:49:56
     Mueller needs to wrap his circus up - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 2/9 11:48:27
          Mueller has apparently found a lot of - catbirdseat MU - 2/9 11:58:13
               He's not going to ruin his legacy over this - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 2/9 12:01:51
                    Mueller isn't doing anything except hand the evidence over - catbirdseat MU - 2/9 12:10:22
                         maybe the first level-headed post you've made on this - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 2/9 12:16:08
                              Why me? - mizzoumurfkc MU - 2/9 12:18:07
                                   Mueller is too by-the-book to make this a public scene. - Badird MU - 2/9 12:21:54
                                        It's hard to say that - Sal KC - 2/9 12:26:19
                                             What has Mueller leaked? - mizzoumurfkc MU - 2/9 13:01:07
                                                  I'm not sure if he's leaked anything personally - Sal KC - 2/9 13:06:31
                                                       The leaks have come from Nunes and schiff and other - mizzoumurfkc MU - 2/9 13:13:18
     Yep... - mizzoumurfkc MU - 2/9 11:44:55
     RE: Warner tried to meet with Steele - scan MU - 2/9 11:39:29
          why did he want no papaer trail? and why did he report it 7 - blake1771 KC - 2/9 11:53:47
               RE: why did he want no papaer trail? and why did he report it 7 - scan MU - 2/9 11:59:46
                    Youre missing the point. Where is your outrage that Nunes - Badird MU - 2/9 12:13:31
                         YOU missed the point b/c the left WAS outraged when he TRIED - blake1771 KC - 2/9 12:59:44
     Didn't the GOPers send a - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/9 11:35:05
     He's not a sneak and sleaze like Schiff - mu7176grad MU - 2/9 11:34:53
          Or, apparently, like Nunes. - Badird MU - 2/9 11:39:49
               Wasn' t aware Nunes is out playing Columbo - mu7176grad MU - 2/9 11:49:14
                    Oh you're aware - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/9 11:52:04
                         Translate to english - mu7176grad MU - 2/9 11:57:57

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