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Exactly, what we do know is that it ain't a "nothingburger"(nm)

Posted on: December 1, 2017 at 11:34:58 CT
tigerdb MU
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     Lying to the FBI about contacts with Russai(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 12/1 11:50:51
     Here it is... - molon labe MU - 12/1 11:27:02
          LOL...he's dumb so expect another question(nm) - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:28:05
               psst - you never ask a question you don't already know - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:32:06
                    Well, as you surely know, the dots... - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:34:06
                         you're not adding anything here, Gyro. I'm seeking - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:36:14
                              You're farting applesauce... - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:37:29
                                   It's a simple question. If you know Trump is going down, - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:38:19
                                        I always figured that trump was bright enough to not tie - tigerdb MU - 12/1 11:42:29
                                        You're terrible at playing Pickle... - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:40:02
                                             If it's all speculation, then why the excitement? Have you - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:41:57
                                                  It is about R and D - meatiger MU - 12/1 11:43:44
                                                       You're talking about reaction. I'm talking about causation - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:44:33
                                                            Same thing - meatiger MU - 12/1 11:46:08
                                                                 no meat (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 12:09:41
                         Manafort didn't plead - tigerdb MU - 12/1 11:36:07
                              Was he offered the option? did he have something to - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:36:41
                    RE: psst - you never ask a question you don't already know - tigerdb MU - 12/1 11:33:14
                         that's another "I don't know", thanks. (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:34:08
                              Exactly, what we do know is that it ain't a "nothingburger"(nm) - tigerdb MU - 12/1 11:34:58
                                   why is that? haven't people here been calling Flynn a liar - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:37:35
                                        The inferences here are strong and numerous... - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:40:45
                                             which inferences specifically would you like to discuss? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:42:28
               RE: LOL...he's dumb so expect another question(nm) - tigerdb MU - 12/1 11:31:49
          RE: Here it is... - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:27:39
               Look below...I explained how when you're going to testify... - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:31:12
                    I'll take that as "I don't know", thanks. Does anyone here - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:33:21
                         since this is new information - meatiger MU - 12/1 11:36:52
                              it's not new, Flynn left the joint defense agreement last Fr - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:43:27
                              This is a common argument made by the non-believers... - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:38:57
               Not sure the two are related - meatiger MU - 12/1 11:30:56
                    Half the board thinks Flynn testifying... - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:32:39
               That's not what you asked for doosh.(nm) - molon labe MU - 12/1 11:28:42
                    It's clearly foundational. Flynn lied to the FBI. We - 90Tiger MU - 12/1 11:31:10
                         If you know the lies, why are you asking? - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:35:40
                         libtards now believe he will tell the truth lol(nm) - TigerFan92 MU - 12/1 11:32:52
     (trumpet sound) Trump Fan Club has arrived!(nm) - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:26:57
          90 for all his faults, is not a Trump lover(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 12/1 11:30:43
               Just a contrarian - MrBlueSky MU - 12/1 11:33:24
                    I loved when he bragged about moving from his "palacial"... - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:36:47
                    dilly - TheShoe STL - 12/1 11:35:00
          He's a nonpartisan(nm) - TheShoe STL - 12/1 11:28:16
               Oh bull****(nm) - Gyro MU - 12/1 11:41:08
               Liberty lover (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 12/1 11:30:06

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