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RE: Mrs. Morris living in poverty then being able to afford

Posted on: September 29, 2017 at 10:30:30 CT
catbirdseat MU
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13.05 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:

After going on national television and proclaiming “I don’t give a **** about North Carolina, Roy Williams in a surprise move takes the knife which he has used to stab anyone in reach in the back with the last 10 years and plunges it squarely in KU fans hearts - proclaiming the KU head coaching job to be a stepping stone job by leaving for North Carolina, just as his predecessor did. Tears are shed by all parties.

In an ironic twist of fate, after being chastised by KU fans for coaching a brand of basketball that is a disgrace to the game and not really basketball while hammering KU out of the 2001 NCAA tournament, Bill Self leaves Illinois and is introduced as Kansas basketball coach

Darnell Jackson becomes Self’s first commit to Kansas as after receiving over $5,000 in improper benefits during his recruitment.


Departing players receive customary graduation checks from appreciative boosters. Team sets off on illegally organized barnstorming tour where they receive the gate money to supplement their income.

Omar Wilkes and David Padgett announce they are transferring from Kansas basketball program.

Kurtis Townsend hired as assistant basketball coach. Townsend’s experience includes being a member of the staff at California (1993-1997) during one of the largest NCAA recruiting violation investigations in history which landed the school on 3 years probation.

Julian Wright commits to Kansas without ever visiting campus. Wright, who had previously eliminated Kansas from his list apparently and inexplicably changed his mind and committed on the spot during a Self and Townsend in-home visit. Scheduled visits to various other schools are abruptly cancelled.

Townsend brings along recruit CJ Giles, who had followed the assistant from his time at USC, then signed a LOI at Miami when Townsend took a job there. When Townsend was added to the ku staff, Giles again switched courses and became a jayhawk. Perhaps not surprisingly, Rodrick Stewart, another one of Townsend’s former players and recruits, transfers to Kansas from USC, see the following article for explanation:


Departing players receive customary graduation checks from appreciative boosters. Team sets off on illegally organized barnstorming tour where they receive the gate money to supplement their income.

Alex Galindo and Nick Bahe announce they are transferring from Kansas basketball program.

Only 300 fans show up for Kansas basketball awards ceremony. Majority of seating for 2,024 remains empty; “The ones who didn't show up can sit behind their desk, their computers or whatever and complain till next season," said always-quotable Keith Langford.

Highly publicized bar fight involving starting guard J.R. Giddens occurs. Multiple witnesses report that Giddens was the primary instigator in an attack that saw 10-12 people beat Olathe resident Jeremiah Creswell with fists, bricks and bottles. Saying he was trying to defend himself, Creswell brandished a knife and stabbed Giddens and four others. Witnesses said KU forward C.J. Giles also threw a punch and tossed bricks at Creswell as he lay defenseless on the ground getting stomped.

At some point in June, Kansas athletic department receives anonymous tip regarding improprieties centering around J.R. Giddens and NCAA recruiting violations.

Ronnie Chalmers, previously a high school coach in Alaska with only 5 years of experience, but more importantly, recruit Mario Chalmers’ father, is announced as Director of Kansas Basketball Operations. His son also amazingly elects to come to Lawrence in a surely unrelated occurance.

Keith Langford and Aaron Miles, never able to adjust to Bill Self’s slow and methodical hi-low offense, go undrafted in the 2005 NBA draft

Known for his lack of sportsmanship as well as being on scholarship despite stealing felony amounts of merchandise from Wal-Mart, J.R. Giddens develops into a one dimensional player and thus becomes expendable given all the off the court issues he brings to the table. Giddens announces he is leaving the Kansas basketball program under request from Self to get a fresh start elsewhere. It also alleviates Lawrence Police from having to apply any charges against him from his assault.
Giddens states, “I’m not saying Kansas threw me out like a battery. But they get McDonald’s All-Americans every day. They weren’t going to let me stay around campus and be Moulaye Niang. Bill Self used to always tell me, “Micah is coming in and he's better than you.” He would just say little stuff like that and I was like, “Dang, man, you’re not even for me, are you?” I wanted to stay at Kansas but I felt like they just pushed me out the door. I'm sitting here worrying if I'm ever play basketball again and you guys are over here talking to me in an inappropriate manner? I'm 19 years old. You guys are supposed to my college coaches. Bill Self was telling my teammates not to have any contact with me. Darnell Jackson and Jeremy Case were two of my best friends, and they weren’t even allowed to talk to me. That was very kind of Kansas basketball and Bill Self, to tell people to stay away from me like I was a team cancer.”

With only walkon Christian Moody ever avging more than 1 rebound a game at the D1 level as returning players, CJ Giles receives no similar treatment and remains on KU’s team by necessity.

Among other undisclosed violations and disclosed violations, such as the discovery of massive and rampant academic fraud within ku’ football program, kansas announces that it also discovered that its basketball staff had traditionally engaged in a practice of allowing monetary payments to graduating players and other Jayhawk players who had exhausted their eligibility by boosters in violation of NCAA rules. A self-imposed two year probation is levied against their athletic department. Other sanctions are levied against women’s basketball and men’s football. Curiously, men’s basketball escapes all (self-imposed) punishment.

Rodrick Stewart suffers gash on head after getting having a bottle smashed over his head during a fight at a Lawrence, Kansas bar.

Not exactly clear when, but Brandon Rush commits to Kansas basketball program. Rush narrowed his college choices to Illinois and Oklahoma, when Missouri would no longer offer a scholarship and their AD blocked allowing him to walk on due to too many potential off the court issues. Then he couldn't qualify at Illinois. Then he couldn't qualify at Oklahoma. Rush decided he would have to enter the draft straight from high school as he couldn't qualify at a D1 university, except it looked as though he wouldn't be a first round selection, something his brother had already had happen to him. His older brothers talked him out of it. Two weeks after school started he got into KU and began taking classes, and even though he at times carried a 0.0 GPA in high school at Westport managed to get a 3.6 at KU while missing the first two weeks of classes. This strangely coincided with the same time frame which their compliance department was noted to be severely understaffed and inadequate by the NCAA and academic fraud was occurring.

Sherron Collins commits to Kansas amidst various media reports that he was steered by his coach/street pimp Anthony Longstreet, considered by Chicago Public League coaches as the new Landon “Sonny” Cox for his ability to recruit players to Crane. Scheduled visits promised to various other schools are abruptly cancelled. Afterward, Longstreet, without being prompted or even accused of taking money, bizarrely challenged local sportswriters to “get the proof, produce the canceled check.'' Thereafter, Longstreet refused to ever speak again on the subject. He explained, "Right now, I've been told to be quiet because this stuff is getting too ugly.”

Darnell Jackson ruled ineligible by NCAA Eligibility Committee for 9 games for receipt of $5,000 in benefits from a Kansas booster over a three year period while being recruited by Kansas. Apparently the NCAA feels 9 games seems rather sufficient and ignores their prior precedence of treatment for lesser offenses.

A cbssportsline.com article suggests that J.R. Giddens is also ultimately wrapped up in the Darnell Jackson scandal, questioning: “Did Don Davis also have a "relationship" with Jackson's best friend and former AAU teammate, J.R. Giddens, the McDonald's All-American who signed with Kansas in 2003? Because if the answer is yes, Kansas has a big, big, big problem.”


Kansas loses to Nevada AT HOME (72-70), falling to a record of 2-3 for the first time in over 30 years. After the game, ESPN TV cameras captured an exchange between Kansas University assistant coach Joe Dooley and 19 year old Nevada player Nick Fazekas. When Fazekas held out his hand to shake Dooley’s in an apparent show of sportsmanship, Dooley instead screamed “F*** YOU!!!!” directly at Fazekas. Afterward, Coach Bill Self reprimanded Dooley stating: "Obviously, in a hotly contested game like this one, emotions were high after the game. Coach Joe Dooley responded in an inappropriate manner to an exchange with a Nevada player.” Coach Dooley added: “"I have great respect for the Nevada team. They played well tonight. I responded in a negative manner to something that was said to me following the game. I certainly apologize to the Nevada program and this is not the manner in which Kansas basketball should be represented." However, replays of the exchange show Dooley’s statement to be less than truthful as Fazekas clearly did not do or say anything to Dooley prior to the exchange other than making the gesture of holding out his hand.

Reports surface regarding NCAA investigation into potential violations involving Kansas freshman Brandon Rush. The potential violations centered around Rush’s involvement with an agent and possible payment of travel expenses by NBA teams the previous summer during Rush’s workouts with the teams.

The NCAA suspends Brandon Rush after the NCAA determined that he had improperly received benefits from an agent after applying for the 2005 NBA draft. An appeal by kansas is granted within one day and Rush is re-instated without missing any games.

Micah Downs announces he is transferring from the kansas basketball program

Christian Moody becomes the first jayhawk player since the 1980s to not be eligible for his graduation checks from alumni, as the pending investigation causes ku to cease such open forms of paying their players. Later, his agent writes a note requesting video of him missing free throws to lose a game to Missouri be taken down from youtube.com as he feels it is hindering his client from finding gainful employment…all of which could have potentially been avoided had the NCAA not had rules against paying amateur athletes and allowed ku’s boosters to funnel money to Moody in the typical ku tradition.

The NCAA responds that ku failed to demonstrate Institutional control and that the minor violations self reported in basketball in ku’s report do not seem to be all-inclusive. ku fans continue to say nothing will come of the allegations, at least those who are aware ku is under investigation as the news media fails to provide any coverage to the story.

ku placed on probation for major violations across multiple sports and for Lack of Institutional Control. The selection is the 5th for the ku’s men’s team, no other men’s basketball team in history has more NCAA probations. The committee seems somewhat impressed with ku’s innovative strategy of eliminating the middleman (by electing to not maintain a compliance department, ku didn’t detect or report any violations in a timely manner, which resulted in them being able to claim a statute of limitations on many violations and go unpunished). However even though they were allowed to get away with a large percent of their violations, they are still charged with:

Illegal payments given to potential recruit in excess of $5,000
Tickets illegally given to recruits to sit behind the bench at NCAA tournament games
Money funneled to current student athletes through illegal barnstorming gate money
Illegal payments given to players after eligibility is exhausted with approval of the coaching staff through a network of alumni
Providing illegal transportation to recruits
Providing illegal clothing and other benefits to recruits
Providing illegal transportation to family members of recruits
Making special arrangements to facilitate a vehicle for family members of recruits
Failure to report violations
Failure to employ a compliance auditor
Negligence to provide adequate oversight
Violation of probationary period and deemed a Repeat Offender
Lack of Institutional Control

NCAA hands out punishment of three years probation. Reduction in the total of grants-in-aid award in the men's basketball program to no more than 12 during the 2007-08 and 2008-09 seasons; also reduced the total of official paid visits by a total of eight from the maximum number allowed during the 2006-07 and 2007-8 academic years. Dissociation of a representative of the university's athletics interest for a period of four years; annual compliance reporting required -- Summation, probation and a reduction in 2 scholarships to be taken in the years ku chooses for the above violations…or in laymen’s terms no impact to on the court peformance.

ku manages to avoid being tagged with what the NCAA considers it most serious offense of being a ‘repeat violator’ (major violations within a 5 year period of last investigation) for the first time in their last 2 probations based on their innovative strategy of purposely eliminating their ability to self monitor through a functioning compliance department. All of the violation occurring within the 5 year window went unreported and now are considered outside the statute of limitations. ku moves into a 3 way tie (with Minnesota and Cincinnati) for men’s basketball programs with the most instances of probations all time in NCAA history.

CJ Giles suspended indefinitely for failing to pay child support.

Giles re-instated to team, then just five days later kicked off team for misdemeanor battery to a female. No bricks were thrown or heads stomped. She was only dragged off a bed and out of the room by her ankles, then beaten about the head with a closed fist. Explaining the incident, Giles stated to police he told the woman in his apartment to leave and when she asked why, he told her his girlfriend was on her way to his room.


No graduation checks are publically distributed.

Brandon Rush participates in improper workouts with the Knicks in preparation for the upcoming NBA draft. The workout forfeits Rush’s eligibility per NCAA rules, and upon suffering an injury at the workout multiple sources said his family and advisers worried about his college eligibility and believed he needed to keep the story quiet until he left Kansas for the NBA.


Brandon Rush arrested for failing to appear in court. The hearing is ultimately delayed until after the basketball season so that his on court production is unaffected.

Sherron Collins is accused of sexually assaulting a woman in an elevator. The authorities and coaching staff are made aware of the incident, but nothing is made public until after the season concludes.

Brandon Rush arrested for failing to pay child support. The hearing is delayed until after the basketball season so that his on court production is unaffected.


Reports surface that Darell Arthur, ku’s leading scorer in the championship game, did not legitimately graduate from high school and passed through the NCAA clearinghouse by submitting fraudulent transcripts. As an ineligible player, per NCAA rules ku would be required for forfeit all games in which Arthur was a participant....which would result in ku being the first ever 40 loss team in a single season, the worst season in the history of the NCAA.

A judge rules in favor of the women Sherron Collins sexually assaulted in an elevator in May of 2007, granting damagers in excess of $75,000. She accused him of exposing himself and rubbing against her repeatedly on May 18, 2007 in an elevator at a University of Kansas apartment complex. Collins does not bother to show up to court, not realizing laws were applicable to him during his period of eligibility as a basketball player in Lawrence. Despite the incident occurring roughly a year earlier, it is the first time the case is made public, allowing Collins to participate in the entire 2007-08 season without missing any playing time.

The school district that provided fraudulent transcripts for Darell Arthur for passing grades in classes not attended and work not done conducts and internal investigation on itself. Surprisingly, they find themselves not guilty. No follow up investigation or questions are ever asked by the local media.

Lawrence officials elect not to go to trial in Sherrod Collins sexual assault case. The woman files a civil suit as her only option of pursuing justice and Collins remains on the team.

It becomes apparent that key recruits the Morris twins are not going to qualify academically. Faced with the proposition of having only 1 player on the roster over 6’7, Self arranges for the Morris twins to finish up their high school classes in Lawrence.

Ronnie Chalmers, no longer the father of a ku player after Mario declares early for the NBA draft, vacates the Director of Basketball Operations position. No immediate word which upcoming recruit’s family member will fill this vital position.

While living in university paid for housing prior to being eligible for scholarship benefits, 18 year old Markieff Morris drunkenly shoots a lady with a BB gun from his dorm room window. Jayhawk towers is declared a less safe environment for women than Bagdad, as ku players will molest you in the elevators and sniper you as you attempt to flee the building. Deemed too important to next year’s season, no action is taken and ku anxiously awaits the determination if the Lawrence high school replacement classes are enough to clear him academically.

Mario Chalmers and Darell Arthur are kicked out of the NBA rookie camps for smoking marijuana with prostitutes. Both players are fined $20,000 and required to attend next year’s camp over again.

ku alum Roger Morningstar, who is using his connections in the athletic department to make hundreds of thousands of dollars annually from improperly distributed funds, boasts he wife Linda love to invite the Collins clan to their home. “We have to walk a tight line being a booster,” Roger Morningstar said. “It’s legal (by NCAA rules) to have them over for dinner and talk. So we’ve had them over a lot.”

Two weeks after school starts (shades of Brandon Rush before them), the Morris twins are cleared to play ball for ku. "While it may have taken a bit longer than we had hoped, the important thing is that the process worked," Self said regarding having them take classes in Lawrence.

Dallas School District re-opens case regarding Arthur not really being a college eligible player. Winston Ashmore, Arthur’s Math teacher said when Arthur was failing Algebra I as a freshman in the fall of 2002, his coach asked for leniency. Ashmore said when he refused, Arthur was abruptly moved to another class. A closer examination of Arthur's grades reveal that his English III grades of 75, 60, 70 and 65 don't actually add up to a 70 as is reflected on his transcript. In fact, the average should be 67.5, meaning he should have failed the course that is needed to graduate and qualify as an NCAA student athlete. "Like I said, he [Arthur] just kind of checked out that third six weeks," Yourse, his English teacher said. Melanie Kidd was Arthur's theater arts teacher in the fall of 2004. She said she remembers Arthur failed the course during the final six weeks. Arthur made a grade of 50, she said. According to his transcripts, Arthur's grades for the last six weeks of theater arts are also missing. A block of grades from Arthur's Algebra II were also missing on the transcript from the fall semester of 2005. All that is present is a final grade, which was changed from "failing" to a passing grade of 70 nine months later in September the following year.


During a ‘no contact period’ as defined by NCAA rules, Self pays a visit to the #1 unsigned recruit in the nation John Wall, and states in front of witnesses:
Self: "I'm not supposed to be talking to you, and you know that, but I just wanted to tell you that was a great win." Demonstrating quite the bravado and respect for NCAA regulations for someone piloting a program on serious probation.

Confirmation comes in the Darell Arthur case, that his grades were artificially changed and that his ‘graduation’ from high school wasn’t legit. His high school vacates their state championship for using ineligible players. Per NCAA rules the use of an ineligible player resulting from him violating the NCAA ethics clause, the proper application would result in forfeiture of all games participated, and KU would fall to 0-78 for the prior to years – the worst two year record in the history of NCAA basketball. Additionally Self would fall behind James Naismith for last place all time in winning % at ku with a 0.428. However, despite the school district and the local media already completing the legwork of the investigation and compiling the relevant information the NCAA never looks into the instance and instead forces Memphis to vacate all their wins during the same year for the same offense.

After promising more scholarships than he has available, Self pushes two lesser role players, guard Tyrone Appleton and forward Quintrell Thomas, out the door to make room for potential incoming recruits. Appleton was scheduled to be a senior, and has to move to the DII level to avoid having his college basketball career ended by the decision.

Sherron Collins elects not to test the European free agent market and barring being jailed announces he will return to ku for the upcoming season. Anthony Longstreet breathes a sigh of relief at remaining on the payroll and he isn’t faced with the ethical dilemma of going public for another year. Elevators everywhere are deemed unsafe for female riders.

Top recruit Xavier Henry elects not to attend classes in Lawrence over the summer. His father explains why ku is a good fit by saying “Xavier is not interested in attending class. If he didn’t have to go to college, he wouldn’t do it.”

Collins balloons up to 230 pounds, fatter than the last offseason when Self criticized him for being out of shape. Self suggests running stairs as a solution, but Collins seems to prefer to take the elevator.

Xavier Henry’s father claims that Henry would much rather go to Kentucky, and actually may back out of his commitment to ku. kansas fans begin bashing the family and decide they would be better off without him. Then Xavier refutes his father’s claims and remains committed to ku, and all is forgotten.

Sophomore guard Tyshawn Taylor is hospitalized for a dislocated finger after attempting to beat up members of ku’s football team on campus. "Gas yall up aite. Real n-----z do real things point plankn. Keep my name out ya' mouth for you get smacked in it. N-----z be muggin me you know I be muggin back." writes Taylor on his facebook page. "point plankn" is a slang term related to participating in organized gang activity. "Point Plank" refers to the Jersey City and Bergen Point Plank Road, which existed as a major New Jersey thoroughfare in the 19th century. "Point Plank" now describes the blighted area in the Greenville section of south Jersey City, roughly bordered by Grand Street and Garfield Avenue. This is one of the highest crime-infested neighborhoods in the United States, notorious as a crack cocaine distribution center, with significant drug and gang-related violence. "Point plankin'" thus refers to the participation in said drug and gang-related activity. Tyshawn Taylor, not coincidentally, is from Jersey City.

The fight included upwards of 100 people. Among them were seen the Morris twins, Mario Little, Sherron Collins, Tyshawn Taylor, Brady Morningstar, Travis Releford, Tyrel Reed, Thomas Robinson, Elijah Johnson. A second fight breaks out the next morning involving 30 to 40 individuals after one of the Morris twins pushes a football player down the stairs.

Reports surface that the AD and administration are not shocked by this behavior as it is status quo for the last five years, which has featured regular brawls between the two programs. In an effort to remain consistent the police, AD, and University determine the best course of action is taking no action. To try to apply the laws of regular society in these instances is ludicrous...they are athletes and are not subject to societal norms. The appropriate response is determined to remain point plankn.

23 year old junior Brady Morningstar is arrested for driving while intoxicated. After conferring with his coaching staff and assessing their options, the conclusion is reached by Self that Morningstar is limited athletically and would play at most a reserve role, so he is suspended for a semester.

Markieff Morris is the driver in a two car accident. Neither himself nor the 16 year old female he is transporting are injured, but the car is registered to former NBA and ku player Scott Pollard. With only 4 days remaining on their probationary period, another potential violation is uncovered if a booster is providing improper transportation benefits to a student athlete. As the incident is being reported, Pollard himself calls up in an attempt to intimidate the host into an apology and instead engages the host in a shouting match and is informed he “is a badass.” Pollard explains he ‘sold’ the car to Morris’s teammate Tyshawn Taylor and was unaware of the accident even though he is still listed as the vehicle’s owner and claims he took the car’s license plates off at the date of the sale.


It is reported that Taylor’s entire family has moved from their impoverished inner city neighborhood in New Jersey to live in Lawrence, similar to Raef Lafrenz’s 40 year-old Iowa schoolteacher parents being able to completely retire and move to Lawrence during their son's career a decade earlier. While not directly employed in a public fashion by the University during Taylor’s eligibility like Mario Chalmers and Danny Manning’s families, no word yet on whether Scott Pollard is allowing the family to drive his vehicles.

The KC Star does a feel good piece explaining that Taylor’s family is not alone. "At Kansas, Sherron Collins’ mother moved to Lawrence for about a month this year before heading home to Chicago to address a family health concern. Jeanell Taylor came this season, while Angel has been in town for both of her sons’ seasons. The mother of Xavier and C.J. Henry lives in Lawrence now. So does the father of KU freshman Jeff Withey, who moved from San Diego. Mario Chalmers’ parents moved from Anchorage, Alaska, to Lawrence after his dad got a job on Bill Self’s staff." What a great family atmosphere they have created.

In anticipation of their matchup of two top 10 teams in Lawrence against KSU, assistant coach Curtis Townsend sends 4 floor tickets to Samantha Ryan, star of Fine Ass B!tches 4. Said porn star Ryan, “So excited for my floor seats at the KU/KSU game! Coach Townsend kicks major ass! Rock Chalk Jayhawk Go KU!” No explanation given by ku’s lead recruiter of why such an obligation was necessary or granted.

ku’s toughness was called into question after the first weekend loss to Northern Iowa as a #1 seed. Senior Sherron Collins wept as he made his way from one locker to the next after missing 11 shots and committing 5 turnovers in the loss. “Everybody’s teared up. This is terrible, it hurts so bad,” Collins said. Marcus Morris fell in a heap after the final buzzer and while crying, had to be assisted off the court. As did red-shirt Mario Little who remained sobbing on the bench after the rest of his teammates had headed through the tunnel to the locker room. Back in the locker room the Morris twins were crying into towels. So were Tyshawn Taylor and Xavier Henry. Brady Morningstar was bawling loudly. The toughness question had been answered.


Less than a week after their season came to an early end, ku kicks the offseason off in typical fashion with an embarrassing scandal when it is revealed that both the IRS and Federal Investigators are looking into illegal practices within the ku ticket office.

Brandon Rush is suspended by the NBA for 5 games for his 3rd failed drug test. Simultaneously, ku AD Lew Perkins is being blackmailed. The blackmailer threatened to reveal that KU was covering up failed drug tests by their basketball players and other student athletes, which seems to have major credibility since Chalmers and Arthur were caught with marijuana at the NBA rookie camp and now Rush has violated the drug policy.

ku signs the nation’s #1 recruit Josh Selby. In an article discussing his decision is the following excerpt: “they approached a light-blue Mercedes-Benz with tinted windows. Selby, keys in hand, popped the trunk, threw sneakers in it and joked with Forbes. Selby said goodbye, and drove away. There has been at least one teacher who helped Selby through his development. His name is Scottie Bowden and he was a principal at Golden Ring Middle School when Selby was a student. He then coached him with the Baltimore Select team, which he helped found in 1992. Bowden has remained a supporter, offering advice and sometimes allowing Selby to drive his Mercedes-Benz. “ The back history on his ‘teacher’ that provides him a Benz: “Scottie Bowden, a representative of Adidas, had invested many weekends and about $20,000 of company money in Justin (a 10 year old basketball player) and his teams. Bowden had provided the boy and teammates with sneakers and travel money to tournaments in an effort to build brand loyalty in a 10-year-old with distant NBA prospects. In Justin, had Bowden accurately identified a star? Adidas pays Scottie Bowden to find impact players and get them into Adidas gear. "It's about brand loyalty," Bowden said. “But this is a business. And if that's what I've got to do now, then that's what I'm going to do." Bowden, who is the principal at Golden Ring Middle School in Baltimore, gets about $100,000 worth of Adidas equipment and cash each year as a consultant.

Director of the Williams Educational Fund, Rodney Jones resigns. The WEF is the primary vehicle that Kansas boosters use to contribute money. Charlette Blubaugh, Kansas’ ticket director, resigns. Brandon Simmons, assistant athletics director for sales and marketing, resigns. Jason Jeffries, assistant director of ticket operations, resigns. Ben Kirtland, associate athletic director for development who was ultimately responsible for all of the athletic department’s fundraising activities, resigns.

Former ku player Roger Morningstar and father of current player Brady allegedly has made over $800,000 through illegitimately re-funneling tickets with his various contacts inside the athletic department over the last 8 years.

The ticket scandal leads ultimately to Dana and David Pump. Former director of summer basketball camp Max Shapiro refers to the brothers as “the Pimps” and alleges they are in the business of “selling players” to various schools. Among the players who played on the Pumps traveling AAU teams are ku signees Mario Chalmers, David Padgett, Omar Wilkes, Tyrel Reed, Elijah Johnson, Jeff Withey, Travis Releford and Brady Morningstar. Prior to accepting the job as Director of Basketball Operations at ku, a position he would hold only for the timeframe that overlapped when his son played at ku as a way to legally funnel money to the family for Mario’s services, Ronnie Chalmers served as the coach of one of the Pumps AAU teams.

The ‘Points’ system created by Lew Perkins to prioritize the quality of season tickets available to alumni is called into considerable question. The system is build on a variety of unpublished factors, reportedly most prominently including financial donations to the school’s athletic department. The larger the donations, the higher the priority alumni receive for season tickets. But recent reports have profiled donors who are dissatisfied with the system’s shrouded points formula, as well as allegations of prime seats in Allen Fieldhouse ending up on online auction sites or in the hands of ticket brokers.

ku issues its own self report on the ticket scandal. For a period of at least 8 years approximately 4,000 to 6,000 basketball tickets per year were being improperly distributed, which equates to as many as 300 tickets per game. These tickets that went missing were not nose bleed seats, but some of the very best seats in Allen Fieldhouse. The report also states that on numerous occasions season ticket holders complained regularly about this, being moved back without explanation and then noticing different people sitting in their old seats every game. Neither the ku AD or really anyone at ku appears to have either noticed this bizarre trend of unknown individuals sitting on the front rows or took the time to follow up on any of these complaints. But the practice only went on for 8 years, after the FBI was tipped off ku was able to conduct an internal investigation and get to the bottom of it.

Additionally from the report ku paid the husband of Charlette Blubaugh (former associate athletics director of ticket operations) $115,000 as a consultant. Perkins didn't even know Blubaugh was on the payroll. According to the report, "further research must be done to see what, if anything, (Blubaugh) was doing in 2009 and 2010." Blubaugh used two of her own former addresses to set up accounts for businesses to receive tickets called Kansas City Women's Clinic and the Harridan Consulting Co. Neither were real businesses.

CBS Sports reports that key ku recruit Josh Selby, the #1 recruit in the nation per Rivals, has questions about legitimacy of his amateur status. The questions arise from his relationship with the business manager for NBA star Carmelo Anthony.

The KC Star exposes that in addition to his other examples of gross negligence and abuses of power Lew Perkins has been billing obscene amounts of travel expenses back to ku alumni and taxpayers due to his personal view of self importance. He charged the athletic department more than $150,000 from July 2008 to May 2010 for 22 flights on university-owned and leased planes, at times for such vital trips as visiting relatives or picking up his dog. Perkins explained, “I consider my time very valuable.” Having already played the card of being incompetent and incapable of performing basic job functions to distance himself from the ticket stealing scandal he orchestrated and the various bribes he accepted, Perkins turns to one of the only explanations left saying, “I’m old. I can’t remember yesterday. I wish I could tell you my mind is better than it is.” Which is a huge comfort I’m sure that for only $4 million plus a year you can get a bumbling, confused old man when the situation suits him.

2 months after stating, “I have loved my time here at the University of Kansas and I will continue leading Kansas Athletics over the course of the next year," Perkins said in July of 2010….Lew Perkins resigns effective immediately.

Kassie Liebsch was a systems analyst working in the KU Athletics ticket office at the time of the ticket scandal and became interim director of ticket operations after Blubaugh resigned. KU associate athletics director Jim Marchiony then deemed Liebsch should be given that role full-time. “There was an extensive investigation done,” Marchiony said, “and the results of the investigation indicate that Kassie was not involved in the kind of behavior that the others were involved in.” Less than 6 months later five former employees at the University of Kansas are indicted on federal charges. Among them is Kassie Liebsch. Its almost like you can't fully trust the findings of the internal investigations that ku conducts. Very weird.

The regular season starts without Josh Selby being declared eligible by the NCAA. Finally two games into the season the NCAA determines that he received $4,607.58 in improper benefits which include clothes, transportation, meals and lodging for Selby and his family. The NCAA suspends him for 9 regular season games of his freshman year, citing a rule that impermissible benefits in excess of $1,000 equates to a 30% of games suspension. The impermissible benefits total nearly $1,000 less in value than what was uncovered in Darnell Jackson’s ultimate 9 game suspension, and only about $4,200 more than what was uncovered in MU’s 2004 investigation that led to 3 years of probation and an off campus recruiting ban.
Despite being cleared academically on Sept 7th, Selby elects to not attend classes until October 27th. Despite missing basically half of the first semester, he obtains a 3.0 GPA.

Jayhawk senior Mario Little is arrested on charges of battery, criminal damage and criminal trespassing after engaging in physical acts of violence against two males and two females.

A person familiar with the search process to replace shamed Head Corruption Officer Lew Perkins said Kansas Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little offered the job to Bubba Cunningham of Tulsa after a search committee submitted a short list of finalists and ranked him as their No. 1 preference. "Kansas wants him and he wants Kansas.” Two days later Bubba Cunningham tells ku no and signs a contract extension with Tulsa.

Sophomore point guard Elijah Johnson is arrested for neglecting to pay parking tickets. The incident stemmed from several months prior, and Johnson was falsely under the belief that societal norms did not apply to him while he still retained eligibility. He played in ku’s game the next day and will not face team discipline. "He hasn't done anything wrong," Self said of his arrested player.

Less than one month after his arrest for battery and criminal trespassing and damage, Mario Little is re-instated to the basketball team. He is required to receive weekly counseling through the remainder of the basketball season. Self summarized the situation in a statement as “I’m more concerned about what’s best for our program rather than an individual.”

It becomes public that high profile ku booster Doug Compton who owns a private jet named Jayhawk One and is a business partner of Danny Manning and Larry Brown, is also the employer of the Morris twin’s mother as the receptionist as his huge real estate complex. Although previously unemployed, her alledged salary in her new role is a modest $85,000. Mrs Morris came all the way from Philadelphia to supply her unique skill set, just as Cole Aldrich’s father had done in his employment with Compton during his son’s eligibility period.
In addition to employing the parents of ku players, Compton also has a son who is the video manager for the team. In a very unique situation, this video manager is the roommate of a basketball player from Baltimore. High profile recruit Josh Selby rooms not with his teammates, but the son of a multi-millionaire. Doug Compton Jr. would be a rather fine roommate to have if you wanted lots of nice things and needed to borrow some spending money.

ku announces that Christian Garrett, a 6-foot-3 combo guard has been added a second-semester walk-on player. Garrett is a teammate of DeAndre Daniels, a 6-8 5 star forward formerly committed to Texas who is now expected to choose KU over Texas and Kentucky. Having grown up in Westlake Village, CA, Christian Garrett always wanted to walk-on at kU. That's why he travelled across the country to attend IMG and that's why he took recruiting visits with Daniels to NC State, Oregon, Kentucky, Kansas and other schools.

Thomas Robinson, Elijah Johnson, Josh Selby, and both Morris twins are flagged for flagrant or technical fouls. After numerous articles calling into question the character of the Morris twins in particular Self offered, “They have developed a reputation that is not favorable at all. It is to the point now it’s going to cost them. We thought we had this thing addressed to the point we wouldn’t have to revisit it again. We have had to revisit it.”

2011 Offseason

Josh Selby leaves Lawrence in early April to work out in preparation for the NBA draft. “As far as schoolwork, he is OK there. He has put himself in a position he could afford to miss a few days,” Self states. Selby never returns to class. He enrolled 10/27 and played his first game for ku 12/18. Thanksgiving break began 11/24 and ended 11/28 with the last day of class for ku 12/9 with finals starting 12/13. That leaves a total of 39 possible class days for Selby in his first semester. For Selby's second semester, there were 45 possible class days between the first day of class 1/21 and the end of ku's season. Of those 45 possible class days, ku had 7 road games including one each to KSU and MU. Assuming one lost day travel for the 5 remaining road games and counting two days Selby would have missed for the Big 12 tourney and another 5 days missed for the first two rounds, he would have missed at a minimum 19 days of classes, leaving 36 days to attend class….So there is a grand total of 36 and 39 total days over two semesters that Selby could have potentially attended class at kU.

Self states, "Josh made above a 3.0 his first semester and worked with his professors to complete his work second semester, I feel good about Josh leaving here knowing he took care of his business the way that he should have taken care of it." Selby appears to have handled business in the classroom and leaves Kansas in good standing which is of course an important thing for the program from an APR perspective.

Selby skips the season ending team banquet. Several days later, the former #1 rated player in the nation who shot 37% from the field on his way to less than 8 ppg declares for the NBA draft. “There’s a lot of fans that have said some negative things. I didn’t know that many KU fans would say that,” Selby said. “I don’t know what it is, but all it is doing is creating a monster.”

Sophomore Royce Woolridge announces he is transferring, leaving ku with 5 returning scholarship players.

Thomas Robinson is arrested and charged with battery after an altercation at The Cave nightclub due to punching two bouncers and spiting on one of them.

Hoopsworld.com reports that “When Selby was trying to decide whether or not to leave Kansas after his disappointing freshman season, the school did everything they could to keep him for one more season. Apparently, that included convincing others that Selby wasn't nearly as athletic as people thought. School officials had been telling people that Selby wasn't a great athlete and the general consensus was that Kansas did it to lower his draft stock so that he would come back for his sophomore season.” Chad Ford questions Selby in an interview saying that he had been told the same thing, and Selby responds that although he has heard that sentiment he disagrees that his athleticism should deter teams from drafting him despite what the school he committed to is relaying to potential teams.

After ku gets a commitment from 141st ranked player Jamari Traylor, CBS columnist Dennis Dodd questions the legitimacy of Traylor’s high school IMG Academy company also representing Bill Self. Certainly a conflict of interest exists when a major sports marketing corporation funds a high school and sends it players to play for its clients.

After San Diego State’s Steve Fischer complains of Self stealing Kevin Young, who had previously signed a financial aid agreement with the Aztecs, Self responds that Young had decommitted from San Diego prior to ku being involved and the jayhawks would certainly not have recruited a committed player. To which Young himself immediately contradicted by saying he had been in contact with ku’s lead recruiter Townsend since May. One week after signing with ku, the jayhawks also sign freshman to be Merv Lindsey from the same AAU team, who was previously set to walk on at Texas Tech and had no D1 scholarship offers during the early signing period. Several sources stated that AAU coach Kool Aid Perry was “influential” in orchestrating Young’s move to Kansas eight months after he signed a financial-aid agreement with SDSU.

ESPN holds their annual awards show the ESPY’s. For the 3rd time in the last 6 times the category was announced, ku is on the losing end of the Best Upset Award. Important to keep in mind, that isn’t 50% of the time they are the losers of the biggest upset that season in college basketball…but in all of sports as voted on by the fans.

Battery charges against Thomas Robinson for punching and spitting on bouncers are dismissed, provided he does 20 hours of community service and writes a letter of apology to the victim.

School begins without Braeden Anderson, Ben McLemore and Jamari Traylor in Lawrence, who have yet to arrive due to eligibility issues. Each of the signed players attended 3 different high schools. Mclemore in particular is in question considering his first three years were spent in the Wellston School District that was closed due to loss of accreditation from poor academic performance. He then briefly attended Oak Hill Academy before being kicked off the team and out of the school. And he finished the last semester of his senior year at the Christian Life Center in Humble, TX. The school has 144 students in grades 1st through 12th but boasts having the former Houston Rockets guard Rafer Alston as the head basketball coach and athletic director, and the school despite its small size has placed two players in the NBA draft since 2008. Its most recent NBA success story is Latavious Williams who after four years at a Mississippi high school had completed only 2 of the 16 core courses that the NCAA requires for eligibility for an athletic scholarship. Williams spent one year at Christian Life Center where he said he completed the 14 other core courses he needed and graduated.

17 days after classes started, Ben McLemore and Jamari Traylor begin attending school at ku despite not yet being cleared by the NCAA academically. Braeden Anderson never arrives on campus.

Ben McLemore and Jamari Traylor are both ruled ineligible for the 2011-12 season as partial qualifiers. All partial qualifiers in the Big 12 must be approved by the league’s faculty athletic representatives. Traylor and McLemore are both approved for aid by the ku faculty reps. Despite Big 12 bylaws that state Big 12 schools can award two men's scholarships and two women's scholarships in a given year to student-athletes who do not qualify but no more than one scholarship may be in the same sport, ku reports both are expected to join the team next year.
ku has just 8 scholarship players available to play for 2011-12. The remaining gem of the recruiting class is Naadir Tharpe, who avged 14.5 ppg at the high school level. Scholarships are granted to Justin Wesley and Conner Teahan, both walkons. Wesley is a transfer from Lamar who avged 1.2 ppg and 1.3 rebounds, Teahan 1.1 ppg and 1.0 rebounds for ku.


Senior Tyshawn Taylor wastes little time creating his customary off the court distractions, getting suspended for the entire exhibition season along with teammate Elijah Johnson for violation of team rules. This means that ku opens the exhibition season with only 5 available scholarship players. Self explains, I told them their punishment was going to be severe and I was going to hold them out of the two exhibition games.” Both Taylor and Johnson served suspensions last year as well and missed games.

After MU announces their upgrade to the SEC, Self states “We couldn’t care less what Missouri wants. If in fact they want to play us, it will be strictly determined if we want to. It will not be determined by other people, because I’ll be honest, the majority of Kansas fans don’t give a flip about playing Missouri.” Asked to clarify his comment the next day Self states, “I don’t really talk to fans, but the ones that have talked to me, they couldn’t care less.”

Ineligible freshman Ben McLemore arrested for failure to appear in court from an minor in possession ticket..
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     Really too many to keep track of - quicksand MU - 9/29 19:49:40
     RE: If you subscribe to the notion of KU.... - BuckTurgidson KU - 9/29 14:11:58
     That's all recent stuff - kp83 MU - 9/29 09:11:01
     Mrs. Morris living in poverty then being able to afford - MizzouAstro MU - 9/29 09:00:40
          Weren't the twins livIng - o'lineydisciple MU - 9/29 19:20:26
          RE: Mrs. Morris living in poverty then being able to afford - Big Ray 2 USA - 9/29 10:22:50
               RE: Mrs. Morris living in poverty then being able to afford - catbirdseat MU - 9/29 10:30:30
                    RE: Mrs. Morris living in poverty then being able to afford - Big Ray 2 USA - 9/29 10:34:29
          $80k/year may sound like a lot, but that's only - tigerdb MU - 9/29 09:10:09
          How did she type with those nails? - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/29 09:07:13
               Answering the phones is easy to do with those nails... - mizzoumurfkc MU - 9/29 10:38:34
          Yeah, what happened with that? It just vanished, stuff - playhard KC - 9/29 09:00:33
     I think it's fishy how so many players parents move to - playhard KC - 9/29 08:45:49
     the arthur stuff was pretty bad(nm) - ajpe53 MU - 9/29 08:40:50
          I was at a Mr. Goodcents on the south side of lawrence - playhard KC - 9/29 08:48:14
               RE: I was at a Mr. Goodcents on the south side of lawrence - Big Ray 2 USA - 9/29 10:33:30
                    But did he tip?(nm) - Ozark Apple MU - 9/29 11:47:29
                    lol...nice try(nm) - playhard KC - 9/29 10:55:27
     Don't capitalize the terrorist name(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/29 08:40:02
     First of all, it's ku. Second, McClemore, Wiggins, Alexander - hefeweizen MU - 9/29 08:36:42

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