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You don't (nm)

Posted on: June 18, 2017 at 12:39:26 CT
90Tiger STL
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     and this has halted Trumps agenda - El-ahrairah KC - 6/18 12:59:29
          Dems can't hardly stop anything as of now. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:01:51
               Yes they xan. But bigger issue - tman KC - 6/18 13:05:37
     And now the financial irregularities - JG A - 6/18 12:53:52
          If somebody could figure a way to market the Pee Pee - Toger STL - 6/18 13:01:03
     how did the Russians interfere? What did they do? - Spanky KU - 6/18 12:34:10
          LOL nothing,The FBI never even examined the DNC servers - Uncle Fester USMC - 6/18 13:14:56
          So you're anxious to find out too. - Toger STL - 6/18 12:58:30
               What email hacks affected the election? - Spanky KU - 6/18 13:37:24
                    Irrelevant. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:38:30
                         It is only Irrelevant to people like you. - Spanky KU - 6/18 13:41:29
                              Doesn't matter. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:41:53
                                   To you..... it matters to smart people - Spanky KU - 6/18 19:59:56
               Since only the right ever reads those sites, how - GA Tiger MU - 6/18 13:20:29
                    Hint: look up "independent voter". (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:21:24
                         What Russian hack affected the election? - Spanky KU - 6/18 13:38:50
                              Irrelevant. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:41:36
                                   If you think they affected the election via a hack, - Spanky KU - 6/18 13:50:24
                                        Nope. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:53:40
                                             Ok pickle - Spanky KU - 6/18 14:00:15
                                                  It literally doesn't matter if zero votes changed. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 14:01:48
                                                       If zero votes changed then Russia did not affect the - Spanky KU - 6/18 14:10:10
                                                            And still irrelevant. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 14:16:40
                                                                 Only because you don't know what that word means - Spanky KU - 6/18 17:56:16
                         Cogent point. But I'd still like to hear from - GA Tiger MU - 6/18 13:23:48
                              Extremely difficult to determine. - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:27:43
          Ask the US Senate. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:35:08
               So.....you don't even know? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:35:35
                    Sure, anyone that can read a newspaper knows by now. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:36:41
                         The problem is you fall into the category of people who will - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:44:13
                              Evidence for what? - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:47:02
                                   LMAO! - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:55:47
                                        The evidence for Russian interference is settled. - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:58:39
                                             Sure it is LOL, Like climate change you Idiot - Uncle Fester USMC - 6/18 13:16:59
                                             If it's settled - what is the evidence? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 13:03:52
                                                  Hacking traces. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:05:14
                                                       From Crowdstrike LOL - Uncle Fester USMC - 6/18 13:26:42
                                                       Source? And - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 13:06:24
                                                            Here you go, REAL NEWZ - Uncle Fester USMC - 6/18 13:19:09
                                                            How stupid are you? - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:18:32
                                                                 Speaking of stupid - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 16:01:25
                                                                 Not as stupid as you apparently - Uncle Fester USMC - 6/18 13:21:10
                                                                      Don't you have some nutter youtube to watch? * - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:21:56
                                                                           The Truth seems to agitate you boy - Uncle Fester USMC - 6/18 13:25:23
                                                                                He has even admitted there is no evidence - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 16:02:35
                                                                                LOL (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:28:46
                         You don't (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 6/18 12:39:26
                              Pretty sure I read newspapers. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:41:34
                                   Looking at the comics doesn't really count. - RHAYWORTH MU - 6/18 12:54:58
                                   You still read the newspaper? - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:42:35
                                        Pretty much anything that doesn't sound like a blog. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:43:50
                                             Fox News? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:45:20
                                                  I watched a bunch of Hannity recently. Hilarious! (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:47:26
                                                       You see, I'm not asking of their legitimacy - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:49:16
                                                            I just said I watch Hannity. - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:50:54
                                                                 Your post is extremely indicative of your feelings towards - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:51:51
                                                                      I just said I watch Hannity. What's your point? (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:59:27
                                                                           That you're an overly-biased hack and we shouldn't take you - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 13:04:30
                                                                                Hannity watchers gonna be ****ed. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:05:50
                                                                                     I don't watch Hannity, so I really don't care what you have - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 13:07:09
                                                                                          You should. Funniest night TV on air. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:22:37
                                                                                               Meh. I already get my fair share of laughs thanks to - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 16:03:46
     you do know the only reason these investigations - 90Tiger MU - 6/18 12:29:31
          I don't buy your TrumpTard conspiracy. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:31:16
               That's because you're willfully ignorant, partisan and - 90Tiger MU - 6/18 12:37:28
                    No, I believe anyone that backs Trump at this point is a TT(nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:38:02
                         what is "backing trump", exactly? not posting every 10 minu - 90Tiger MU - 6/18 12:40:09
                              You can try to dance, - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:42:15
                                   another non-answer - you're entire history (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 6/18 14:56:57
                                        It's "your" - tigerspy MU - 6/18 14:59:40
     There is no evidence to support the second and third - MUTGR MU - 6/18 12:28:57
          I'll believe Deep State over a TrumpTard any day. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:30:23
               Of course you will - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:34:54
                    You dummies on the internet are irrelevant. - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:35:59
                         Let me guess - "dummies" are those choosing to have an - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:56:52
                              Informed opinion? I read newspapers. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:00:13
     shocking stuff (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 6/18 12:27:50
          Yes, you TrumpTards must be shocked. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:28:59
               given this post, i'd say not. I find it a highly predictab - 90Tiger MU - 6/18 12:30:39
                    Trump is the Kim Anderson of US Presidents. - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:32:06
                         Trump is an outsider. Kim was a True Son. nm. - MUTGR MU - 6/18 12:57:25
                              Both are wildly unqualified old white dudes. - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:01:05
                                   Obama was a wildly unqualified mulatto dude who passed as - MUTGR MU - 6/18 13:03:09
                                        Like race mattered... but you outed yourself as a racist. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:03:55
                                             You're the one who brought up race (nm) - MUTGR MU - 6/18 14:23:21
                                                  And unlike Obama, the only reason he was hired. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 14:26:11
                         We get it, you hate him. Post it every 5 minutes, but - 90Tiger MU - 6/18 12:36:30
                              I'm just glad I never backed massive incompetence. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:37:28
                                   I chose a clown over a proven corrupt neocon cvnt who - 90Tiger MU - 6/18 12:39:07
                                        You think this will end well for you? - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:41:07
                                             Compared to if HRC was President. No way(nm) - tman KC - 6/18 12:56:47
                                                  End result still the same. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:02:20
                                                       Not close. HRC would have been third Obama - tman KC - 6/18 13:08:53
                                                            Sounds good to me. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 13:18:50
     Only lefties are interested in this drivel... - Logan BAMA - 6/18 12:25:14
          In your dreams, traitor. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:27:32
               Why is he a traitor? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:28:13
     Investigations equate to guilt? - MIZ45 MU - 6/18 12:23:38
          Of course not. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 6/18 12:25:07

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