understanding of the words. In the Arab/Middle Eastern world where vowels play a larger role, there is a definite impact on the vibrational effect of those vowels on the person reciting them. I cannot personally explain it beyond that other than to attest to the impact that a Kirtan using Arabic phases such as La Illah ha El Allah (or thereabouts) ABSOLUTELY provides an impact of subtle but powerful transcendence. Been there, done that. I know. A kirtan is an ancient Indian practice of chanting. the musical chanting of that phrase - the meaning of which translates basically to "there is no reality but God". The power and effect of those vibrations on YOUR self can be profound. I have been there. The power lies in those vibrations - and your understanding that these are the words Abvum, D'e Bash A Maya are those that were spoken, prayed and chanted by Jesus doesn't hurt. 'mother father, creator of all the universe . . . something like that.
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Here a Translation:
The one I know -