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Paul has always been screwed...

Posted on: October 4, 2016 at 12:16:33 CT
Gyro STL
Member For:
22.06 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Number one, he doesn't have the charisma of his Dad. He's just not as naturally likeable as Ron. But the problem he shares with his Dad is that he has to align right instead of align the way they really want. So they are like a misfit toy.
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     if the GOP was a clown show, - justwinbaby KC - 10/4 13:09:28
     You guys ready to admit DEM primaries were rigged? - TGR84 MU - 10/4 11:59:36
          Why is it always a fight, why always the five year old: - raskolnikov MU - 10/4 12:14:06
               That's like the guy in the glass house complaining that - JeffB MU - 10/4 12:42:18
               You really expected elevated discussions based on the - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 10/4 12:28:02
               Yea because rigging the election is way better..... - TGR84 MU - 10/4 12:27:05
     I still can't believe that out of 17 candidates... - Gyro MU - 10/4 11:53:14
          I still can't believe that dems sold out to a corrupt hag. - RHAYWORTH MU - 10/4 12:15:20
          if Paul was the nominee - El-ahrairah KC - 10/4 11:58:54
               Paul has always been screwed... - Gyro MU - 10/4 12:16:33
               that would have been nice... - escalade NWMSU - 10/4 12:16:01
          They should have let super delegates decide the primary. nm - hokie VT - 10/4 11:58:50

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