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Why is it always a fight, why always the five year old:

Posted on: October 4, 2016 at 12:14:06 CT
raskolnikov MU
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23.76 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I-Know-I-Am-But-What-Are-You approach. We know the Democratic Party "rigged" things against Sanders. We know that.

But then we also know how low-grade the GOP primaries were. I just wish we could elevate discussion here past the I-Know-I-Am-But-What-Are-You approach so often used.
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     if the GOP was a clown show, - justwinbaby KC - 10/4 13:09:28
     You guys ready to admit DEM primaries were rigged? - TGR84 MU - 10/4 11:59:36
          Why is it always a fight, why always the five year old: - raskolnikov MU - 10/4 12:14:06
               That's like the guy in the glass house complaining that - JeffB MU - 10/4 12:42:18
               You really expected elevated discussions based on the - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 10/4 12:28:02
               Yea because rigging the election is way better..... - TGR84 MU - 10/4 12:27:05
     I still can't believe that out of 17 candidates... - Gyro MU - 10/4 11:53:14
          I still can't believe that dems sold out to a corrupt hag. - RHAYWORTH MU - 10/4 12:15:20
          if Paul was the nominee - El-ahrairah KC - 10/4 11:58:54
               Paul has always been screwed... - Gyro MU - 10/4 12:16:33
               that would have been nice... - escalade NWMSU - 10/4 12:16:01
          They should have let super delegates decide the primary. nm - hokie VT - 10/4 11:58:50

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