RE: Demand equal time
Posted on: September 21, 2016 at 16:21:14 CT
Nookam UK
Member For:
13.18 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
kU has the top spot for probation. Should be more with the McLemore documented 10k to his AAUl coach, flights for him and his uncle to LA. Oh yea, his $$ man taking Ben's mom to Austin Tx for a game. A huge birthday party with money paid by same man who laid the 10k. Oh, the runner became his agent on his 1st NBA deal. Surprise!
Cliff Alexander mom taking out a loan.... In Florida no less. Someone had to guide her where to go, Cliff was over 18 at the time and it was based on future earnings, thus he had to have signed the loan papers. No bank would just loan to his mom without his signature because it would be him paying it back
Regardless, he was by NCAA rules ineligible from the moment he started. Every game he played in should have been vacated. Fact.