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Having a Wes Clark who stays eligible would be

Posted on: September 19, 2016 at 14:17:00 CT
FIJItiger MU
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22.17 yrs
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a tremendous asset to the program right now.

I'm less inclined to take that comment as encouraging since I don't think there is any way Kim is here next year, and I'd like to see this guy suit up for MU. But hopefully he likes MU enough as a University and sees an opportunity here.
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CJ Roberts - kcsportsnut MU - 9/19 12:36:42
     4-star point guard C.J. Roberts commits to Missouri-link - MIZZOU_FANATIC MU - 9/19 15:11:47
     Looks good. Reminds of Wes Clark alot offensively - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 13:35:34
          I hope he's not that bad of a player.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 9/19 14:40:15
               Lol (nm) - MakeShift MU - 9/19 15:41:59
          So KA ****ed up and got a commitment from - UMR85 MU - 9/19 14:39:14
          Dont really see the Clark comparison - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/19 14:04:14
               Mike Dixon is a way better comparison - Bump834 MU - 9/19 14:10:46
                    I haven't seen enough to say he plays like Dixon, but - alwaysright MU - 9/19 15:43:10
                         Yea, I see him being used in that way - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/19 15:47:41
               RE: Dont really see the Clark comparison - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:07:34
                    never saw Clark hit a floater - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/19 14:18:22
                         Clark was a low, head down dribbler too - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 14:25:52
                         It was probably the best part of his game - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:20:30
                              a pull up and a floater are not the same thing - Bump834 MU - 9/19 16:15:27
                              lol(nm) - Uncle John MU - 9/19 14:41:08
                              That's not a floater - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/19 14:32:36
                                   Disagree, he was easily our best player last year - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:35:12
                                        You'd be better off sticking with Mizzou bball history - Cosmo MU - 9/19 14:50:33
                                             Thankfully I'm not really trying to - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 15:17:45
                                                  You don't know the difference between - Bump834 MU - 9/19 16:17:22
                                                  I didn't say you were trying to convince anyone of anything - Cosmo MU - 9/19 15:44:43
                                                       So true lol - Bump834 MU - 9/19 16:18:19
                                                       Cool. I'm confident in knowing that I am (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 15:47:19
                                                            People who are generally know the difference between - Cosmo MU - 9/19 16:00:08
                                                                 Lol guess I should have read all your responses before - Bump834 MU - 9/19 16:19:46
                                                            You're not(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 15:52:11
                                        You disagreeing with Clark's stats? - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/19 14:48:01
                                             No, disagree that his stats give an accurate depiction - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 15:14:26
                                                  Right and neither were really go to scorers - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/19 15:30:18
                                        Yeah, he was so good, where is he now?(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 14:36:24
                                             He is no longer playing college ball (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:37:16
                                                  Ding ding ding(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 14:37:50
                                                       you're awful at this (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 9/19 14:44:24
                                                            You're worse(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 14:49:24
                                                                 I'm not doing it. Man you're really bad at this. (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 9/19 15:30:33
                                                                      Yeah, you blow dude, quit sucking so much - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 15:36:48
                                                       How many home runs did Babe Ruth hit last year? - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:39:46
                                                            Dumb(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 14:49:47
                                   Dont confuse fefe with basketball insight(nm) - kctgrs MU - 9/19 14:34:31
          agree, except he can actually play - Jeff85 MU - 9/19 13:57:08
          Wow. You REALLY don't know much about basketball... - kctgrs MU - 9/19 13:45:59
               Don't understand, you don't think he looks good? (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 13:50:09
                    I don't understand how someone can be so obtuse to think... - kctgrs MU - 9/19 14:01:33
                         Check out a highlight video on youtube - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:03:37
                              If you watched me play, you would see I score, penetrate, - kctgrs MU - 9/19 14:32:06
                                   Don't think I have much interest in that. Sounds depressing(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:36:09
                                        We aren't talking about your posts(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 14:37:28
                                             Believe that is almost all you talk about (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:40:20
                                                  Hard not to when you pollute the board(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 14:50:10
          Hopefully he's smarter than Wes (nm) - kmawv8 MU - 9/19 13:45:51
          Way more athletic than wes - Bump834 MU - 9/19 13:41:29
               RE: Way more athletic than wes - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 13:48:56
                    Are you trying to make Bump's point for him? - bornoncampus MU - 9/19 13:56:07
                         Any idea what Brookins is doing today.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 9/19 14:19:19
                              This is the last think I remember - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:21:46
                                   I saw that, wondering if anyone might know him.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 9/19 14:54:08
                         that was a dang good team - Bump834 MU - 9/19 14:06:39
                              I never get tired of that video. nm - bornoncampus MU - 9/19 14:11:53
                         Not saying he is better or worse, said they were very - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 13:59:37
                              From what I saw, Wes never developed into a PG. - BigTime SEMO - 9/19 19:21:31
                              Roberts is faster and jumps way better - Bump834 MU - 9/19 14:08:29
                                   As is always the case with new player - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:11:01
                                        no matter who you compare him to, this is good news for MU. - bornoncampus MU - 9/19 14:14:24
                                             Having a Wes Clark who stays eligible would be - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:17:00
                                        Disagree...no way Wes jumps that well - Bump834 MU - 9/19 14:13:58
                              Yea, that Mexico MO team was a rare treat. - bornoncampus MU - 9/19 14:03:03
                                   Belcher is still 5th all time in NCAA history in - FIJItiger MU - 9/19 14:05:37
               Agreed, he's Phil Pressey from an athletic standpoint(nm) - playhard NWMSU - 9/19 13:44:46
                    Yes reminds me a lot of mike Dixon too - Bump834 MU - 9/19 13:54:52
     Excellent news for the program. Nm - TigerUppercut MU - 9/19 13:35:11
     I think he's a big get - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/19 13:26:59
          Yes that's who he reminds me of too - Bump834 MU - 9/19 13:42:21
          Hope they put him on a weight program - Rabbit Test MU - 9/19 13:28:33
               hope they put him on some other school's weight program (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 9/19 13:41:26
                    Our new weight guy isn't pulling his weight already?(nm) - Rabbit Test MU - 9/19 13:43:16
     Some of the "fans" on here aren't going to like that(nm) - kctgrs MU - 9/19 13:23:29
          Everyone likes MU getting good kids, winning. You're - 90Tiger MU - 9/19 13:41:56
               Someone get this man an O'Douls!(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 14:24:03
               Why don't you just ignore me?(nm) - kctgrs MU - 9/19 13:43:41
                    Done deal nm - DollarSigns MU - 9/19 14:06:47
                         Great(nm) - kctgrs MU - 9/19 14:33:06
     Very nice. nm - bornoncampus MU - 9/19 13:17:43
     Great pickup - tigerden MU - 9/19 13:14:10
     so legit 3/4 star? - implode STL - 9/19 13:09:05
     no way. can't be. 4 star. he will decomit(nm) - tman KC - 9/19 13:08:11
     That's pretty big and pleasantly surprising news(nm) - Eggs MU - 9/19 12:56:26
          twss(nm) - playhard NWMSU - 9/19 13:18:20
     Big get!!! Way to go staff!!! - Bump834 MU - 9/19 12:51:19
          RE: Big get!!! Way to go staff!!! - kcsportsnut MU - 9/19 12:55:31
               yes...that's very good to hear - Bump834 MU - 9/19 12:57:23
                    KA has done some good things this summer - wu-tangtiger MU - 9/19 13:34:36
                         Yes...this was a very big piece in his progress - Bump834 MU - 9/19 14:12:37
     #0, Mini Crudup. (nm) - Evenflow MU - 9/19 12:44:11
          what would a crudup-like recruit have done for KA the - 90Tiger MU - 9/19 12:59:07
     Nice. Any write ups or film links?nm - tiger4real MU - 9/19 12:43:39
          Video: - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 12:47:34
               I wonder what kind of distributor of the ball he is? - playhard NWMSU - 9/19 13:15:58
                    the clip on powermizzou showed a - Bump834 MU - 9/19 13:17:28
               HOPS!! Thx.nm - tiger4real MU - 9/19 12:55:05
                    I like the description that says he plays downhill - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 12:59:05
          rivals story....... - TigerAlum91 MU - 9/19 12:45:57
          RE: Nice. Any write ups or film links?nm - Momaninil MU - 9/19 12:45:36
               Seems like a real good kid- humble and thankful.nm - tiger4real MU - 9/19 12:55:35
                    Yes...but also a confident swagger - Bump834 MU - 9/19 13:00:08
                    Thought the same(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 12:58:23
     RE: CJ Roberts - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 9/19 12:42:35
     RE: CJ Roberts - Ray-tiger MU - 9/19 12:41:43

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