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RE: no he didn't

Posted on: August 30, 2016 at 17:18:53 CT
FIJItiger MU
Member For:
22.17 yrs
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Albert White had already decided to turn pro. Dooling/Gilbert had already expressed a desire to likely transfer. John Woods and Monte Hardge had used up their eligibility. Kareem Rush was not signed.

So his first year at MU without doing any work on the roster would have likely be a team composed of:

Brian Grawer
Jeff Hafer
Johnnie Parker
Josh Kroenke (assuming he honored his committment)
TJ Soyoye (assuming he honored his committment)
Pat Schumaker
Matt Rowan
Kenge Stevenson
Mark Wampler
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Norm says KA inherited a ****ed up program - Mr. Orange SU - 8/30 15:49:07
     RE: Norm says KA inherited a ****ed up program - StlWeir MU - 8/30 23:10:09
          Just ask him.(nm) - Uncle John MU - 8/31 08:03:44
     That was three years ago - restore the roar MU - 8/30 21:39:09
          2016-2014=2 - alwaysright MU - 8/31 07:25:13
     That is no ifs, ands, or buts about that. (nm) - go tigers MU - 8/30 20:28:47
     I would describe the program like a used car that still - MIZZOU_FANATIC MU - 8/30 18:10:13
     Quinn said the same thing in '99...next...nm - tigertix MU - 8/30 16:26:08
          no he didn't - Butcher of Bakersfield STL - 8/30 16:53:35
               RE: no he didn't - FIJItiger MU - 8/30 17:18:53
                    Didn't he inherit Dooling and Gilbert?(nm) - alstl MU - 8/30 18:02:17
                         Yes, but it's more correct - haeffb MU - 8/30 18:16:22
                    But you don't apply the same - haeffb MU - 8/30 17:27:30
                         You should post a thread about this, - nerdmachine KC - 8/30 22:06:27
                         no wonder he went to Tulsa, the house of cards finally - Jeff85 MU - 8/30 20:36:31
                         That and the returning players weren't coached by Norm - Mr. Orange SU - 8/30 17:42:25
          Who gives a **** about Quin? - Mr. Orange SU - 8/30 16:36:12
               MU fans (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/30 16:37:08
                    Wrong - Mr. Orange SU - 8/30 16:38:44
                         RE: Wrong - FIJItiger MU - 8/30 16:46:57
     That is true(nm) - DevilsAdvocate MU - 8/30 16:24:02
     Many have tried to make excuses on his behalf (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/30 15:50:33
          following Haith is a legitimate excuse - Jeff85 MU - 8/30 15:53:13
               Following Haith is not. It was the roster he left behind - McMuffin MU - 8/30 16:13:29
                    RE: Following Haith is not. It was the roster he left behind - FIJItiger MU - 8/30 16:15:26
                         RE: Following Haith is not. It was the roster he left behind - StlWeir MU - 8/30 23:08:54
               It's an excuse to be bad - playhard NWMSU - 8/30 16:07:09
                    You don't understand what Haif did - Mr. Orange SU - 8/30 16:09:37
               When Haith is your benchmark, and you can't - FIJItiger MU - 8/30 15:56:06
                    if Haith was a slightly better coach we could have gone - Jeff85 MU - 8/30 20:33:57

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