Following Haith is not. It was the roster he left behind
Posted on: August 30, 2016 at 16:13:29 CT
McMuffin MU
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23.76 yrs
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that was problematic. If, for instance, Clarkson and Brown were both returning and Jank had not transferred away under Haith's watch, that alone, as time has shown, would have made it an extremely attractive situation for any coach to wander into.
But conversely, time has shown FIJI's insistence that the roster KA actually did inherit was a talented and capable one is just flat baloni. He inherited zero high level P5 players. If J3 turns into one I will eat crow but at the time of his sophomore year he was not at all ready to be a program's cornerstone yet.
Haith himself is a solid coach who has at times shown an ability to recruit well and to produce teams that peform well offensively. He just happened to bolt from a team that was returning none of those things for the 2014-15 season.