Speaking of, a similar connection to former Tiger
Posted on: August 24, 2016 at 11:14:51 CT
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Johnnie Parker who is the brother of 3rd overall NBA draft pick Derrick Favors :
It figured to be another routine computer search. Deborah Parker had been looking off and on for 14 years so there was no reason to think this wouldn't be anything other than another fruitless endeavor.
She typed in the name "Deandra Favors'' in February at her family's suburban Denver home. But this time she actually found something.
A woman by that name popped up in an article about how her son, Derrick Favors, had enrolled at Georgia Tech the previous fall as a star-studded freshman for the basketball team. The article included a picture of Deandra Favors.
Deborah Parker immediately went to her husband, Johnnie Parker, to ask if this was indeed the woman the two had been looking for since the mid-1990s.
Yes, it was. Johnnie Parker had found his son.
"I was happy, surprised and hurt at the same time,'' Parker said. "I missed his whole high-school career. It was kind of a down feeling, if you know what I'm saying. In between happy, sad and hurt at the same time. ... But, if Derrick wasn't doing what he's doing now, I wouldn't have found him.''
What Favors, 19, is doing now is embarking on an NBA career with the New Jersey Nets after being the No. 3 overall pick in last month's draft. The 6-foot-10 forward will start a basketball season this fall for the first time knowing who his father is and believing he inherited some talent from Parker, who was a high school star in St. Louis before signing in 1976 with St. Louis University, where he averaged 10.3 points as a freshman.
After Parker had learned the identity of his son, he contacted FanHouse, which had done a story on Favors in January. In the story, Favors mentioned he didn't know anything about his father, not even his name.
Parker wanted to tell his tale about how Favors had been born in Atlanta in July 15, 1991, to Deandra Favors, a single mother, and how Parker was the father. The two had an affair when both were working at Sky Chefs for Eastern Airlines, and Parker was married to Deborah, his wife of 24 years who says she long has forgiven him for his infidelity.
Favors was conceived in the fall of 1990. But on Jan. 18, 1991, Eastern Airlines went out of business, and both Parker, a caterer, and Deandra Favors, a food preparer, lost their jobs and dispersed.
Parker said Deandra Favors told him she was pregnant shortly before the airline folded and that she would have the baby. After the jobs were lost, Parker said he was overcome by guilt at having a child out of his marriage and didn't try to contact her for more than three months.
"I can't do anything about the past. I screwed that up. But I can do something about the future, being the father I missed out on being.''
- Johnnie Parker
on Derrick Favors Parker said he never was able to find Deandra Favors after that. He never knew for sure the child had been born until his wife found the story on Favors and his mother earlier this year.
"It's a dream that I still haven't woken up yet that I have found my son,'' said Parker, a musician who plays guitar and sings in the Denver-area band Burnin' Tuesday under the alter ego Rev. Nastee Waters. "I just want to know my son and he knows me. ... I can't do anything about the past. I screwed that up. But I can do something about the future, being the father I missed out on being.''
In phone interviews from Atlanta in May, Deandra Favors confirmed the story Parker told about the two having worked at Sky Chefs and having a relationship, confirmed the father's name as "John Parker'' and his height at 6-foot-8. But she didn't even know he had once played basketball.
"Why is he contacting me now?'' asked Deandra Favors, who said she had been getting messages on her Facebook page that Parker sent after he learned of her whereabouts and the identify of his son. "It's 2010. What about 2009, 2008 and 2007? ... When Eastern Airlines went under in 1991, I didn't see him after that. But he knew that I was pregnant, but he never knew that I actually had the baby. I never heard from him. And now he wants to contact us. ... Derrick doesn't need anything from (Parker).''
But Derrick Favors did not paint that picture when speaking to FanHouse earlier this month at the AirTran Orlando Pro Summer League, where he averaged 10.6 points and 6.8 rebounds for the Nets. Early in the summer league, FanHouse gave Favors a packet, which included photos of his father from his days as a player and from this year, as well as a sealed letter from Parker, which included his contact information.
Johnnie Parker as Rev. Nastee Waters It also included information on how Favors could find his father as Rev. Nastee Waters on YouTube. He has up a video entitled "Medical Marijuana,'' an ode to the legalization of it in Colorado, something supported by Parker, who has pictures of marijuana leaves on the walls of his home. He has put up cover versions of Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Run Through the Jungle'' and Jimi Hendrix's "Hey Joe.''
Derrick Favors is soft-spoken by nature. Although his answers often were short, he did not seem bothered discussing having learned the identity of his father.
"It's all right,'' he said. "I'm just trying not to force it. It will probably take time (to some day meet Parker). ... I might (reach out to him) one day, yeah. ... To finally find out about him, I'll probably get around one day to meeting him.''
Favors said he actually wasn't surprised to learn of his father wanting to contact him.
"I thought that he would get around one day to me,'' Favors said. "Just happy to find out about him. ... It ain't weird. It's something that comes along with life.''