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Just like there were hundreds of better things to do than

Posted on: August 22, 2016 at 12:25:04 CT
alwaysright MU
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17.82 yrs
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was a 23 win team play shltball. MU has lots of attendance problems.

Highly rated players, playing unorganized ball with little movement and being a bubble team didn't draw them in.

Average rated players, playing fast and "exciting" but with obvious shortcomings and inconsistent results didn't draw them in.

Decent mercenaries playing poorly conceived ball with no hustle didn't draw them in.

Marginally rated players losing doesn't draw them in.

Marginally rated players developing and building something won't draw them in.

Mizzou's biggest issue with attendance is inconsistent play. We have a great year from time to time, but never put a string of them together to really build the thing up. When we do have a good year, the season is half over before it's clear what we've got and attendance starts to catch up. Then we go to shlt the next year and nobody wants to come again, starting the cycle all over.
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     everybody sits in the lower bowl opposite the camera(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/18 09:22:52
     There isn't much that can be done. People don't want to - StaleyTiger MU - 8/18 08:27:48
          Just like there were hundreds of better things to do than - alwaysright MU - 8/22 12:25:04
          This thread isn't about performance. It was specifically - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/18 14:14:26
     Social Influencers on campus - o'lineydisciple MU - 8/18 08:27:05
          Very interesting - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/18 22:28:06
     Parking and politeness of the staff. - sharpwp UNC - 8/18 08:13:33
     free tickets and let the students sit any open seat after - NWMizzouFan MU - 8/18 06:12:48
          Not sure I'd go with first tv timeout, but definitely - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/18 22:32:38
     We are past that point. Have to get a new coach and start - FIJItiger MU - 8/18 05:33:10
          Please stay on point. - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/18 14:13:16
     Less clothing on the Golden Girls - Mr. Orange SU - 8/18 05:05:27
          And $1 beer - Mr. Orange SU - 8/18 05:07:51
     Would it be possible to give priority seating to students - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/18 01:02:13
     RE: If you were A.D. what kind of marketing/promotions (not - Frank Poncherello MU - 8/17 23:17:39
     Paint arena seats black or other dark color - sfprman MU - 8/17 21:41:30
     Statewide outreach. Bus tours+tix for non-con games - sfprman MU - 8/17 21:37:03
          Does this come with free food and lodging? - Evenflow MU - 8/17 21:43:29
     Get rid of Zou Crew - nerdmachine KC - 8/17 21:08:42
          Yeah, I think the players should go around w/ athletes from - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/18 22:40:37
     Free admission and shuttles from campus. - zodiac6 JC - 8/17 20:57:08
          $1 beer - Mr. Orange SU - 8/18 05:08:15
          i doubt you could literally pay students right now. - GapDaddy MU - 8/17 22:47:31
               Respectfully disagree. To a point, at least. - zodiac6 JC - 8/18 00:53:28
               So, you think one size fits all, and there aren't any on - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/18 00:43:03
                    MU sells tickets for $2 during the season. - GapDaddy MU - 8/18 09:40:06
          While free admission sounds great and all, - Evenflow MU - 8/17 21:27:04
     Tie in to Greek week fundraising.... - GapDaddy MU - 8/17 20:55:21
     Free admission - Da_Haze KC - 8/17 20:53:54
          Lots of universities give students free entry. - alwaysright MU - 8/18 07:26:03
     Only thing that will increase student attendance is - HissingPrigs77 MU - 8/17 20:24:08
          I agree with this entirely - quicksand MU - 8/17 21:45:42
               We are talking about adults in college, not kids. - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/18 00:46:24
          yep, too many other entertainment options - Ron Swanson MU - 8/17 20:29:04
     Beat the shot clock - Mormad MU - 8/17 20:15:41
     Kegs, free food, X Box stations, leather sofas, - Evenflow MU - 8/17 19:55:35
          $1 beer - Mr. Orange SU - 8/18 05:08:47

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