Just like there were hundreds of better things to do than
Posted on: August 22, 2016 at 12:25:04 CT
alwaysright MU
Member For:
17.82 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
was a 23 win team play shltball. MU has lots of attendance problems.
Highly rated players, playing unorganized ball with little movement and being a bubble team didn't draw them in.
Average rated players, playing fast and "exciting" but with obvious shortcomings and inconsistent results didn't draw them in.
Decent mercenaries playing poorly conceived ball with no hustle didn't draw them in.
Marginally rated players losing doesn't draw them in.
Marginally rated players developing and building something won't draw them in.
Mizzou's biggest issue with attendance is inconsistent play. We have a great year from time to time, but never put a string of them together to really build the thing up. When we do have a good year, the season is half over before it's clear what we've got and attendance starts to catch up. Then we go to shlt the next year and nobody wants to come again, starting the cycle all over.