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Kim is a grown man, who accepted a job that

Posted on: August 21, 2016 at 11:22:31 CT
Evenflow MU
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18.96 yrs
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pays a lot of money and demands success.

He took this job most likely knowing that he was incapable of performing it to any reasonable standard.

He intentionally made himself a high profile figure, and those guys, unfortunately, sometimes warrant criticism, sometimes heavily.

You allege guys like me are bad fans because we want him gone. You're always screeching and moaning about how bad Obama does his job. Does that, then, make you a ****ty American; or are you a good American who wants to save the country?

Edited by Evenflow at 11:23:12 on 08/21/16
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     His new peeps didn't even spell his name right. - alwaysright MU - 8/22 07:05:12
     you're really on the ragged edge if you're relying on the - Doc Stone MU - 8/21 20:09:18
     Many on this board should be ashamed of themselves - 615Tiger STL - 8/21 11:04:29
          RE: Many on this board should be ashamed of themselves - KC rules MU - 8/21 11:22:30
               Agreed, TB'ers are more harsh on fellow posters - MoGold MU - 8/21 14:27:10
          oh the program has problems all right - Doc Stone MU - 8/21 11:18:42
               Agreed, blaming fans is the sorriest excuse there is - MoGold MU - 8/21 14:29:23
                    Go try to find a post by the poster who started this thread - StaleyTiger MU - 8/21 20:59:30
                    RE: Agreed, blaming fans is the sorriest excuse there is - kcsportsnut MU - 8/21 18:48:36
                    Did you blame the refs for the 5th down loss? - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/21 17:49:46
                         Yes. And the coaching staff(nm) - Doc Stone MU - 8/21 20:08:15
                         The "broad brush" is comparing fan impact with ref impact - 90Tiger MU - 8/21 19:18:30
                              You might want to retake that reading comprehension class. - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/21 20:20:49
                                   Blaming the refs for a loss based on a miscalled judgement - StaleyTiger MU - 8/21 21:03:45
          Anderson gets paid a lot of money. - Evenflow MU - 8/21 11:12:46
               Exhibit A - 615Tiger STL - 8/21 11:16:08
                    There is no dichotomy. It's a results business. Your perce - 90Tiger MU - 8/21 19:19:15
                    Kim is a grown man, who accepted a job that - Evenflow MU - 8/21 11:22:31
                         He took this job most likely knowing that he was incapable - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/21 17:56:31
                              if he wasn't thinking that after Alden admitted withholding - Doc Stone MU - 8/21 20:24:30
                              He's right (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 8/21 19:19:39
                              So, he didn't know he could possibly be this bad. - Evenflow MU - 8/21 19:07:48
                         the second sentence is totally untrue - Jeff85 MU - 8/21 13:08:47
                              RE: the second sentence is totally untrue - StlWeir MU - 8/21 13:41:03
                         LOL - 615Tiger STL - 8/21 11:28:48
                              That's because most of your political posts hit the football - tigerdb MU - 8/21 11:59:17
                                   Not true - 615Tiger STL - 8/21 12:05:28
                                        You're so owned in this thread (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 8/21 19:20:54
                              Well, I want to let you know that I intend to keep - Evenflow MU - 8/21 11:31:30
                                   Well, unlike on the football board..... - 615Tiger STL - 8/21 11:38:39
                                        Well, you've already tried your high and mighty approach - Evenflow MU - 8/21 11:40:45
                                             You are well aware - 615Tiger STL - 8/21 11:46:25
                                                  I call it the "gang of 5 or 6 white guys"; you call it "many - 90Tiger MU - 8/21 19:21:59
                                                  You have a right to your opinion and I respect that. - Evenflow MU - 8/21 11:48:03
                                                       If you respect it - 615Tiger STL - 8/21 11:49:02
                                                            Because you asked for it (and you did it - Evenflow MU - 8/21 11:52:28
                                                                 I didn't single anyone out - 615Tiger STL - 8/21 11:59:52
                                                                      you singled yourself out - Doc Stone MU - 8/21 20:43:02
                                                                      you called people out then whined about confrontation - 90Tiger MU - 8/21 19:22:53
                                                                      I simply responded to a post that was intentionally - Evenflow MU - 8/21 12:01:05
                                                                           I disagree - 615Tiger STL - 8/21 12:05:54
     Most don't... - implode STL - 8/21 11:01:22
     nobody is booing these players - FIJItiger MU - 8/21 10:24:03
          RE: nobody is booing these players - StlWeir MU - 8/21 11:01:25
               I'm talking about for a normal MU or equivalent program (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/21 11:10:40
          Agree. - haeffb MU - 8/21 10:51:29
               Missouri no longer tries to compete on a national level - FIJItiger MU - 8/21 10:57:34
                    Agree. - haeffb MU - 8/21 11:02:03
                         This era hardly counts as MU basketball, but specific to - FIJItiger MU - 8/21 11:09:11
                              Agree. - haeffb MU - 8/21 11:18:09
                                   Cool. I don't object to you having an incorrect assessment (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/21 11:46:28
     He should take ownership of his problems but I agree - alstl MU - 8/21 09:41:01
          RE: He should take ownership of his problems but I agree - StlWeir MU - 8/21 11:04:43
     RE: Do student athletes pay attention to the negative comments - slamduncan NWMSU - 8/21 08:24:00
     RE: Do student athletes pay attention to the negative comments - StaleyTiger MU - 8/21 07:51:27
          nobody cares if you support it or not - Jeff85 MU - 8/21 09:26:13
     So he said "the heck with them" a week before getting - zodiac6 JC - 8/21 00:12:28
          Convenient excuse making - Mormad MU - 8/21 10:05:21
     feejee gunna feege(nm) - TigerFan92 MU - 8/20 23:54:40
     I'm sorry I forced him to do all of those drugs... - AlleyCat KC - 8/20 23:27:49
     Explains why he washed out here - Doc Stone MU - 8/20 22:54:57
     Yeah, it wasn't because I was a dopehead that got - ROLLATIGER MU - 8/20 22:53:06

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