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Thanks but I can't pull it up...

Posted on: August 15, 2016 at 21:00:36 CT
bluetiger_ MU
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12.74 yrs
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I need the Twitter app I guess. But I heard she made several great plays in the field. And in the last game of the season, Taylor hit an inside the park home run, driving in 2, in her teams win.

If I had to predict which player would excel and which would have struggled in the professional league between Gadbois and Crane, I would have said Crane would do better. Gadbois proved me wrong. She had a really great rookie season.

Edited by bluetiger_ at 21:01:30 on 08/15/16
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Mizzou softball players in the pros... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/15 15:01:30
     RE: Mizzou softball players in the pros... - BIG RAY USA - 8/16 08:10:37
          RE: Mizzou softball players in the pros... - BruceInLA MU - 8/16 14:34:23
               RE: Mizzou softball players in the pros... - Ragarm MU - 8/19 09:59:41
               he is a kU troll(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 8/16 19:08:37
     Check out this play from Gadbois yesterday - Momaninil MU - 8/15 19:43:14
          Thanks but I can't pull it up... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/15 21:00:36
     RE: Mizzou softball players in the pros... - sYsTiger MU - 8/15 15:24:25
          Agreed. Might we see Sami in Tokyo in 2020? (nm) - Scott MU - 8/15 17:20:51

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