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Mizzou softball players in the pros...

Posted on: August 15, 2016 at 15:01:30 CT
bluetiger_ MU
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12.74 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Sami Fagan, Taylor Gadbois, and Emily Crane all were immediate starters in the women's pro softball league as rookies and started every game for their respective teams. Hard to overstate how much Mizzou is going to miss them in 2017 and how critical it is that multiple players step in to take up the offensive slack.

Fagan is a lock for rookie of the year in the pros, batted .392, 9 HRs, 39 RBIs. Here is where she finished in the league in batting stats:

Batting Average- 2nd
Slugging %- 3rd
On base %- 5th
Runs- 3rd
Hits- 1st
RBI- 2nd
Doubles- 1st
HRs- 4th
Total bases- 2nd

Just a remarkable rookie season, has to rank with one of the bests of all time.

Gadbois had an excellent rookie season, hitting .331, 8th highest BA in the league. Finished 4th in hits and 3rd in stolen bases.

Crane struggled in her rookie season, had several excellent games but ended up hitting only .212 with 3 HRs and 8 RBIs. I'd look for her to show some significant improvement next season, she is just too good a hitter not to.

Edited by bluetiger_ at 15:02:53 on 08/15/16
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Mizzou softball players in the pros... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/15 15:01:30
     RE: Mizzou softball players in the pros... - BIG RAY USA - 8/16 08:10:37
          RE: Mizzou softball players in the pros... - BruceInLA MU - 8/16 14:34:23
               RE: Mizzou softball players in the pros... - Ragarm MU - 8/19 09:59:41
               he is a kU troll(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 8/16 19:08:37
     Check out this play from Gadbois yesterday - Momaninil MU - 8/15 19:43:14
          Thanks but I can't pull it up... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/15 21:00:36
     RE: Mizzou softball players in the pros... - sYsTiger MU - 8/15 15:24:25
          Agreed. Might we see Sami in Tokyo in 2020? (nm) - Scott MU - 8/15 17:20:51

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