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RE: how can so many of these guys be so naive about playing nba

Posted on: August 11, 2016 at 17:22:40 CT
FIJItiger MU
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22.17 yrs
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But Jabari Brown mostly relished that his father saw him play in a road game at Golden State and a home game against the Clippers.

“It was big for him and me,” Jabari Brown said. “I felt happier he got to see me more than just me playing.”

“Everybody’s career is pretty short and you don’t have the biggest window,” Jabari Brown said. “I knew if I got let go a second time, I was going to go somewhere and make some good money.”

Per CBA rules, teams can only field two American players per team. So Jabari Brown interacted with most of his teammates and coaches with body language and simple Chinese phrases. Jabari Brown struggled just as much to communicate with his father because of his declining health.

“He wasn’t texting anymore,” Jabari Brown said of his father. “He didn’t talk on the phone because I couldn’t talk on the phone out there. It was tough.”

It also became tough when Jabari Brown finally reconnected with his father when he returned to Oakland in early February, only for him to pass away three weeks later. So at his father’s funeral in Oakland, Jabari Brown spoke on how his father shaped him.

“When you look at everything that Jabari has been through, he has definitely persevered in a way that many might have just given up,” Fannie Brown said. “It’s not about giving him the opportunity because he has overcome a lot. But he has a lot of talent.”

Jabari Brown has tried to show that in his second stint with the D-Fenders, where has averaged 20 points albeit on 38.8 percent shooting in six games.

“I’m just trying to be positive and hope that something works out,” Jabari Brown said. “I just need a team that believes in me. I know what I’m capable of doing. If that doesn’t necessarily come, I’m going to be fine with that. I feel like I know when I did get the opportunity, I showed what I can do.”
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     Well this is a dick post. (nm) - mizzou john MU - 8/12 08:53:32
     What are u doing with your life? IQ? nm - shorty MU - 8/12 00:40:43
     how can so many of these guys be so naive about playing nba - Beakerbasher KC - 8/11 17:17:10
          In most cases, I would skip college entirely. I would go - MIZZOU_FANATIC MU - 8/11 23:19:06
               Nothing broke about the current system. Seems to be working - Uncle John MU - 8/12 07:46:45
               most of them aren't ready to make that kind of move and - SabertoothTiger MU - 8/11 23:39:49
                    Also how much playing time would they get? - tigerspy MU - 8/12 07:00:26
          Jabari was already 4 years removed from HS, averaged nearly - tigerdb MU - 8/11 20:23:05
               Averaging 30 a game might have moved him into the first - Uncle John MU - 8/12 08:24:34
          When more underclassmen declare than there are draft - alwaysright MU - 8/11 20:13:54
          One year early is one more year of your pro career at 100K+ - HissingPrigs77 MU - 8/11 19:59:36
               Exactly. He was making $0 playing for Mizzou. So even if - StaleyTiger MU - 8/11 20:26:07
          That naive guy is about to sign a $600K contract. - zodiac6 JC - 8/11 17:45:32
               And you have only so many years you can earn that type money - tigersfan MU - 8/11 18:04:23
          RE: how can so many of these guys be so naive about playing nba - FIJItiger MU - 8/11 17:22:40
               I'd prefer mor JT Tiller updates - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:24:28
                    RE: I'd prefer mor JT Tiller updates - FIJItiger MU - 8/11 17:28:19
                         More than once a year - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:30:17
                              RE: More than once a year - FIJItiger MU - 8/11 17:31:48
                                   You think those posts are similar to the love you show JB? - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:36:53
                                   See all those non-Haifers he could post about? - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:35:01
                                        RE: See all those non-Haifers he could post about? - FIJItiger MU - 8/11 17:37:03
                                             RE: See all those non-Haifers he could post about? - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:40:39
                                             RE: See all those non-Haifers he could post about? - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:39:31
                                                  Some of those are references to Jabari Brown the OU player - FIJItiger MU - 8/11 17:41:09
                                                       Its construction is relative to my level of concern - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:54:26
          I dont get the Turkey league on my cable subscription - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:18:16
               If that were true, you'd never root against him. - zodiac6 JC - 8/11 17:19:51
                    Liar - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:21:17
                         FIJI posts updates about many former players - zodiac6 JC - 8/11 17:26:54
                              No. He posts only about Haifers now - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:27:54
                                   Let me know where Keith Shamburger/Martavian Payne - FIJItiger MU - 8/11 17:29:33
                                        False dichotomy - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:30:54
                                             I'm fairly certain you don't know what that means.(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 8/11 17:31:06
                                   Well, someone only posts about "Haifers." - zodiac6 JC - 8/11 17:28:16
                                        Fiji post about haifers alot - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:29:37
                                             They're the ones currently playing professionally. - zodiac6 JC - 8/11 17:32:15
                                                  You don't understand what a false dichotomy is - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:37:39
                                                       I understand there isn't one here. - zodiac6 JC - 8/11 17:46:46
                                                            Here? No. Up where I initially posted False Dichotomy, yes - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:55:39
                                                                 FIJI posts about former KA players. - zodiac6 JC - 8/11 18:02:15
                                                                      His implication that my post asked for more shamburger - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 18:04:54
                                                                           Well, you've ignored his many other updates on former - zodiac6 JC - 8/11 18:07:16
                                                                                We all know why he continually posts about Haif's players - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 18:10:20
                                                                                     Because they're Mizzou players. - zodiac6 JC - 8/11 18:18:07
                                                                                          Agree - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 18:33:21
                         Uh - FIJItiger MU - 8/11 17:26:49
                              Your 2 favorite tigers are Clarkson and Brown - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:29:08
                                   Peeler/Booker/Denmon (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/11 17:29:58
                                        Liar - Mr. Orange SU - 8/11 17:31:13
                                             Thanks for clarifying, could have sworn they were(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/11 17:32:09
                                                  LOL(nm) - quicksand MU - 8/11 18:09:03

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