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RE: Actually it really could be about snowflakes over-reacting

Posted on: August 10, 2016 at 09:08:21 CT
Brock9 MU
Member For:
8.75 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
It's probably not all 'snowflakes and princesses' OR 'EE is the biggest ass of all time'.

But there is undoubtedly a bit of both going on.

Your continuing insistence to put all the blame on snowflake players is growing quite tiresome.

There is plenty to indicate the other possibility is quite likely also.
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Best news I've heard about EE in awhile... - bluetiger_ MU - 8/8 20:58:50
     EE.... - SEC_BIG_GAMEHUNTER MU - 8/10 00:46:06
     hope they get it resolved soon, no normal human being - Jeff85 MU - 8/9 09:00:21
          LOL, very true. nm - bluetiger_ MU - 8/9 12:13:05
          or football, or baseball, or basketball...(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/9 09:26:09
     It's even more difficult to imagine Reesman and Hickman - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/8 21:17:53
          I'm thinking they're going to do whatever before - XRob MU - 8/8 21:59:44
               RE: I'm thinking they're going to let EE know...... - missinglink MU - 8/8 22:25:31
                    RE: I'm thinking they're going to let EE know...... - sYsTiger MU - 8/9 07:17:53
                         RE: I'm assuming EE makes a very nice salary - missinglink MU - 8/9 11:30:23
                              RE: I'm assuming EE makes a very nice salary - sYsTiger MU - 8/9 11:51:58
                              Or we need to find some non-snowflakes...(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/9 11:33:00
                         RE: I'm thinking they're going to let EE know...... - BruceInLA MU - 8/9 09:31:16
                              RE: I'm thinking they're going to let EE know...... - Brock9 MU - 8/9 10:27:36
                                   You're insinuating that there is more than bad language - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/9 11:30:43
                                        RE: You're insinuating that there is more than bad language - Brock9 MU - 8/9 13:05:04
                                             If it were more than just language, don't you think the - reedus23 MU - 8/10 00:34:49
                                                  RE: If it were more than just language, don't you think the - Brock9 MU - 8/10 09:05:48
                                                  RE: If it were more than just language, don't you think the - BruceInLA MU - 8/10 07:41:30
                                                       Actually it really could be about snowflakes over-reacting - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/10 07:47:14
                                                            RE: Actually it really could be about snowflakes over-reacting - Brock9 MU - 8/10 09:08:21
                                                                 Who knows. Could be 99% Snowflake Princess in which case - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/10 09:23:19
                                             RE: You're insinuating that there is more than bad language - sYsTiger MU - 8/9 13:35:22
                    They'd have to fire 98% of the coaches in the country - Bobk MU - 8/8 22:43:13
                         Gotta break you down before they build you back up... - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 8/9 09:25:20

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