That isn't fair to MU basketball or its fans
Posted on: August 10, 2016 at 05:53:38 CT
Member For:
22.17 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Kim is now going into his third season where he has gotten to portray a D1 coach and is afforded all the resources and compensation that goes along with it. He has had considerably more than his fair shake. At some juncture he has to at least demonstrate below average capacity at some function of this job, and has yet to even come close and the mistakes and shortcomings of the past have essentially now closed the window of opportunity on him ever doing adequately good in this role even if he does make drastic leaps forward on the things he can control.
It would have made for a great and improbable story had he found some measure of success. It just didn't work, at all.