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RE: Remember the NCAA employs a lot of ku grads. The best minds

Posted on: August 3, 2016 at 17:53:15 CT
Phoggy08 KU
Member For:
12.43 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Face it Buck. In the minds of MU fans, KU is the "Illuminati". We have people everywhere, with the sole purpose of limiting the MU basketball program.

It has absolutely nothing to do with their Athletic Dept. making 1 blundering mistake after another since Norm retired.

Hiring Quin over Bill Self.

Naming their arena after a Boosters daughter who didn't even go to MU, only to find out she cheated her way through college.

Paying a player of Ricky Clemon's "caliber".

Hiring Mike Anderson (actually not a horrible hire), but only to see him keep using the school for raises and as a stepping stone to the powerhouse Arkansas program.

Hiring Frank "Freaking" Haith, only to have it come out that he cheated his whole career and got busted for it at Miami...but greased his way out of it somehow.

Watching Frank coach a team loaded with Seniors to a #1 (oops, #2) seed and the greatest upset in the history of the NCAA tournament.

Watching Frank bail on the program, when he realized he was about to be busted for cheating (again), for the powerhouse program that is Tulsa.

Hiring Natural Born Son Kim Anderson, from his Div II Powerhouse program, only to have every player bail in his 2 years and him leading the team to their lowest point in what...ever?

And now they can't keep an AD or a staff...on top of a continuing exodus of players.

Amazing what all these KU plants at the NCAA have been able to accomplish. Bravo KU "alum-inati". Bravo.

Edited by Phoggy08 at 17:54:35 on 08/03/16
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     Remember the NCAA employs a lot of ku grads. The best minds - TigerMatt MU - 8/2 20:08:56
          RE: Remember the NCAA employs a lot of ku grads. The best minds - BuckTurgidson KU - 8/2 23:01:51
               RE: Remember the NCAA employs a lot of ku grads. The best minds - Phoggy08 KU - 8/3 17:53:15
               Good support for his point, thanks (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 8/3 07:14:43
                    RE: Good support for his point, thanks (nm) - BuckTurgidson KU - 8/3 09:29:59

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