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What do you call it?

Posted on: July 28, 2016 at 16:51:58 CT
Mr. Orange SU
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     20 wins would be - o'lineydisciple MU - 7/29 08:54:59
     We won't. Get over yourself and your false hypothesis (nm) - samclemens MU - 7/29 08:36:52
     Why would that be? - MakeShift MU - 7/29 06:44:38
     Would 20 games still get a team in the NIT?(nm) - MIZZOU_FANATIC MU - 7/28 18:32:29
          More than likely - Mr. Orange SU - 7/28 18:35:51
               As usual you are wrong. - tigerspy MU - 7/28 19:27:09
                    RE: As usual you are wrong. - stl0404 MU - 7/28 21:10:40
                         Alabama made it last year at 18-14...tigspi is a fool - Mr. Orange SU - 7/28 23:44:02
                              They had some good wins last year.(nm) - Evenflow MU - 7/29 08:38:21
                    As usual you are wrong. - Mr. Orange SU - 7/28 19:31:31
                    What is Mizzou's SOS? (nm) - haeffb MU - 7/28 19:28:50
                         Georgia made it last year at 19-13 - Mr. Orange SU - 7/29 05:58:55
                         Likely worse than the previous two years. (nm) - tigerspy MU - 7/28 19:29:33
                              Creighton was 18-14 last year - Mr. Orange SU - 7/29 05:59:33
                              How likely? How much worse? (nm) - haeffb MU - 7/28 19:31:35
                                   Let's not focus on the negative. - tigerspy MU - 7/28 20:19:34
                                        Florida state was 19-13 you genius - Mr. Orange SU - 7/29 06:02:15
                                        So, you don't actually know, but believe it must surely be - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/28 23:42:01
     20 wins would be called a miracle - Delicious MU - 7/28 16:57:15
          The schedule isn't exactly difficult for a average team - playhard NWMSU - 7/29 07:42:09
     It's not necessarily a failed season. But it's not a - StaleyTiger MU - 7/28 16:20:29
          39 wins in 3 years is a failure. - sharpwp UNC - 7/28 17:57:47
               At Yale, based upon the Mr. FIJI theorem, their standard for - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/29 00:02:16
               Fortunately, that would be an invalid way of looking at it - Mr. Orange SU - 7/28 17:59:40
          Not success, not failure - haeffb MU - 7/28 16:23:05
               RE: Not success, not failure - FIJItiger MU - 7/28 17:55:42
                    They are one or the other - haeffb MU - 7/28 18:19:08
                         I don't have to choose. (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/28 18:23:37
                              You are correct - haeffb MU - 7/28 18:28:31
                                   No, not failures. That is silly to call them that. (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/28 18:30:06
                                        I agree - haeffb MU - 7/28 18:45:12
                                             Feefee's best characteristic is his cowardice - Mr. Orange SU - 7/28 19:11:33
                                        See what I mean.. He has teetee's logic and tgra's courage - Mr. Orange SU - 7/28 18:32:47
                                   You just blew his mind... But he would never admit it - Mr. Orange SU - 7/28 18:29:37
                    And yet they were - Mr. Orange SU - 7/28 18:00:37
               RE: Not success, not failure - Gaseous Clay MU - 7/28 17:00:45
                    I would, yes. - haeffb MU - 7/28 17:02:55
               I believe there is a middle ground between success - StaleyTiger MU - 7/28 16:37:45
                    Do you think success is possible this season? - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/28 23:30:34
                    No, it was either conclusively a success - haeffb MU - 7/28 17:07:34
                         This should not be a difficult concept. - zodiac6 JC - 7/28 18:04:02
                              What is the word - haeffb MU - 7/28 18:21:37
                                   Wiggle room. - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/28 23:40:41
                                   Inconclusive. - tigerspy MU - 7/28 19:28:48
                                        Bwahahahaha! Classic feefette - Mr. Orange SU - 7/28 19:33:29
                                        No, it's conclusive. - haeffb MU - 7/28 19:31:11
                                             It's like a letter grade. - tigerspy MU - 7/28 20:22:57
                                                  VA tech was 19-14 you genius - Mr. Orange SU - 7/29 06:01:04
                                                  Having some successes while not having success on the whole - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/28 23:34:42
                                                  Maybe for you - haeffb MU - 7/28 20:44:46
                                                       Sure there are. - tigerspy MU - 7/28 21:06:47
                                                            It's, you get to stay, or you have to leave. Anything above - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/28 23:37:13
                                             Indecisive. - zodiac6 JC - 7/28 19:49:18
                                                  That or evasive, which I think is the more likely, because - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/28 23:39:25
                    What do you call it? - Mr. Orange SU - 7/28 16:51:58

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