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RE: Agree, that would suck for him and I wouldn't want to

Posted on: July 20, 2016 at 10:08:28 CT
BuckTurgidson KU
Member For:
11.93 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
"It is no fun starting a discussion from a known losing side and trying to posture otherwise."


Amazingly, I actually agree with you on something.

You mean like when a certain fan base denigrates other program's performances in NCAA Tournament and post-season play when they can't even get an invitation to play in the NCAA Tournament? And when they know they named the floor of their arena after a guy with a losing record in post-season play?

Or when a certain fan base goes around scornfully and self-righteously denouncing 'cheating' and lack of ethics in other programs and posturing themselves as pillars of rectitude who DON'T 'cheat' and do things 'the right way' after they've been put on probation three times in the last 26 years?

You mean like that?
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     RE: big 12 positioning to become a major conference - Phoggy08 KU - 7/21 09:34:28
          RE: big 12 positioning to become a major conference - doughboy MU - 7/21 11:06:35
               RE: big 12 positioning to become a major conference - Phoggy08 KU - 7/21 11:41:57
                    RE: big 12 positioning to become a major conference - Odom MU - 7/21 12:51:36
                    RE: big 12 positioning to become a major conference - doughboy MU - 7/21 12:08:24
     LOL - what is Missouri's attendance in basketball?(nm) - alstl MU - 7/20 10:57:11
     Not enough TV sets to add to make the contract more - catbirdseat MU - 7/20 10:26:13
     RE: big 12 positioning to become a major conference - BuckTurgidson KU - 7/20 10:00:49
          Its the only thing the b12-2-2+2 has gotten right lately... - tgrfan1 SEC - 7/20 15:02:52
               RE: Its the only thing the b12-2-2+2 has gotten right lately... - BuckTurgidson KU - 7/20 16:14:33
     the only thing that sucks about this is that it is going to - 44.f6 Rd1 MU - 7/20 08:34:27
          Agree, that would suck for him and I wouldn't want to - FIJItiger MU - 7/20 08:36:12
               RE: Agree, that would suck for him and I wouldn't want to - BuckTurgidson KU - 7/20 10:08:28
                    I do imagine you have familiarity with losing positions (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/20 10:09:46
                         RE: I do imagine you have familiarity with losing positions (nm) - BuckTurgidson KU - 7/20 15:20:44
                              I was referencing you personally (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/20 15:49:21
                                   RE: I was referencing you personally (nm) - BuckTurgidson KU - 7/20 16:07:26

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