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it does cast into doubt Trump's assertion that he would hire

Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 11:11:30 CT
TigerJackSwartz MU
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16.42 yrs
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smart people, to do good work

somebody screwed up bigtime with that speech.

To your point, if they can't manage something little, like putting together an original speech, how can they be counted on to manage something big, like running the country?
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     WHO GIVES A DUNG. Y is this a big deal to you - yy4u MU - 7/19 12:07:58
     This from the crowd that picked biden for vp. - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/19 11:28:35
          Yours is worse. Much worse - Webbster MU - 7/19 11:46:42
               Yes, the first lady is more important than the VP. Nope. - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/19 11:58:52
     Who you gonna believe . . . - raskolnikov MU - 7/19 11:20:29
     It's a joke. The Republican Party is imploding - Hbombtiger STL - 7/19 11:13:25
          The Republican Party isn't a conservative party, and hasn't - TigerJackSwartz MU - 7/19 11:16:18
               It's a multi fracture - Webbster MU - 7/19 11:43:24
               Agreed. The national party at least is not. (nm) - Hbombtiger STL - 7/19 11:16:53
          Immigration was covered quite a bit last night.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/19 11:15:03
               Are we going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? (nm) - Hbombtiger STL - 7/19 11:17:07
                    and enforce laws on the books.(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/19 11:24:51
     What about Biden's plagarism----and he's your VP - mu7176grad MU - 7/19 11:12:27
          Not the same and you know it - Webbster MU - 7/19 11:34:50
          Why not just admit it? Let some intern take the fall for it - Hbombtiger STL - 7/19 11:14:25
     Trump should start with "One score and five years ago... - bornoncampus MU - 7/19 11:10:33
     It is obvious to anyone with a brain that it is plagarized - TigerJackSwartz MU - 7/19 11:09:23
          thousands of speeches say the same things especially - SuperTone MU - 7/19 11:14:16
     WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? If you are - GA Tiger MU - 7/19 11:08:36
          Because it's just prolonging the story. - jeepdad MU - 7/19 11:12:11
               Look, for every argument I make for Trump I make one - GA Tiger MU - 7/19 11:18:03
          RE: WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? If you are - sarasotatiger MU - 7/19 11:11:49
          it does cast into doubt Trump's assertion that he would hire - TigerJackSwartz MU - 7/19 11:11:30
               I am not prepared at this point to contest that. - GA Tiger MU - 7/19 11:16:40
     Let the media continue to expose themselves over it - SuperTone MU - 7/19 11:08:34
          you think it was intentional? (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 7/19 11:09:48
               it was completely intentional. he was trolling hillary - SuperTone MU - 7/19 11:11:20
                    I know you badly want this to be true. - jeepdad MU - 7/19 11:20:15
                         Did you miss the hillary/obama video?(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/19 11:26:17
                    I don't agree. If it was intentional, they wouldn't have - TigerJackSwartz MU - 7/19 11:12:35
                         yep. (nm) - mizzou alum 93 MU - 7/19 11:22:40
                         LOL. really?(nm) - SuperTone MU - 7/19 11:14:37
                              really (nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 7/19 11:17:11
                                   that has been trump's reaction to everything - SuperTone MU - 7/19 11:26:39
          RE: Let the media continue to expose themselves over it - mizzou alum 93 MU - 7/19 11:09:23
               and it eliminated news of the nevertrump incident. - SuperTone MU - 7/19 11:10:54
                    But that's no secret. The NeverTrump movement has - jeepdad MU - 7/19 11:23:39
                         really? MSNBC discussed it for 5 hours straight - SuperTone MU - 7/19 11:25:46
                    i'm aware - mizzou alum 93 MU - 7/19 11:23:14
     RE: The Trump camp won't even admit it was plagerism. - MUTGR MU - 7/19 11:06:41
          it is certainly the Clinton way. nm - bornoncampus MU - 7/19 11:11:20

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