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No, LOL, that's assuming there are 15 passing plays at some

Posted on: July 19, 2016 at 00:30:22 CT
EdensRemorse SMS
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13.04 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
point during the season where we line up with what I stated and Brady gets a sack... If you don't think we'll see that situation 45 or so times in the 15 games we'll be playing, you're not being honest with yourself (yes, that's right, 15 boyo). If you don't think Brady will get himself a sack 1 out of every 3 of those times, again, you're not being honest with yourself.
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Charles Harris Wants Missouri Sack Record RMN - mattieo86 MU - 7/18 20:20:46
     notice something about that watch? - GapDaddy MU - 7/19 11:18:52
          Who did he mug to get that watch? - Mizzou Guru SEMO - 7/19 13:52:56
               Seriously? they're about $20 at the bookstore(nm) - Bobk MU - 7/20 01:35:12
     Brady more likely to take it, here's why... - EdensRemorse SMS - 7/18 22:47:14
          isnt Brady still injured from the Spring game? - BurgTiger MU - 7/19 10:26:50
          That's assuming a four-man line every down. - zodiac6 JC - 7/18 23:35:40
               No, LOL, that's assuming there are 15 passing plays at some - EdensRemorse SMS - 7/19 00:30:22
          Yep - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 22:49:39
               henson and ricker gone - we got this... - EdensRemorse SMS - 7/18 23:17:08
                    So if Augusta is our Moses, does that make Lock - mattieo86 MU - 7/19 02:32:27
                         that makes Lock the placeholder until Wilson weighs 225 - EdensRemorse SMS - 7/19 21:50:41

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