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Brady more likely to take it, here's why...

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 22:47:14 CT
EdensRemorse SMS
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13.04 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Augusta demands a double team each and every play (RG + C). Blocking Harris + Brantley or Harris + Beckner Jr with only the LG and LT is not a sustainable option for opponents, so TE/RB left. The end result?

Brady/Frazier 1v1 against the lesser of each opponent's OTs.
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Charles Harris Wants Missouri Sack Record RMN - mattieo86 MU - 7/18 20:20:46
     notice something about that watch? - GapDaddy MU - 7/19 11:18:52
          Who did he mug to get that watch? - Mizzou Guru SEMO - 7/19 13:52:56
               Seriously? they're about $20 at the bookstore(nm) - Bobk MU - 7/20 01:35:12
     Brady more likely to take it, here's why... - EdensRemorse SMS - 7/18 22:47:14
          isnt Brady still injured from the Spring game? - BurgTiger MU - 7/19 10:26:50
          That's assuming a four-man line every down. - zodiac6 JC - 7/18 23:35:40
               No, LOL, that's assuming there are 15 passing plays at some - EdensRemorse SMS - 7/19 00:30:22
          Yep - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 22:49:39
               henson and ricker gone - we got this... - EdensRemorse SMS - 7/18 23:17:08
                    So if Augusta is our Moses, does that make Lock - mattieo86 MU - 7/19 02:32:27
                         that makes Lock the placeholder until Wilson weighs 225 - EdensRemorse SMS - 7/19 21:50:41

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