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Isn't that a complaint that many fans have about KA

Posted on: July 18, 2016 at 15:34:21 CT
wu-tangtiger MU
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10.15 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
He's not energetic enough on the bench.

Insider info says that J3 would have stayed, he liked the staff. But didn't get along with the now departed 2014 class.
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Tell me about Italy and - catbirdseat MU - 7/18 12:53:51
     Big fans of Fascism - ERB KC - 7/18 22:08:48
     They speak Italian(nm) - alstl MU - 7/18 14:35:44
     From the Diary: "Coach sure takes lots of naps. When - Evenflow MU - 7/18 12:59:00
          The TB BB 4H Club approves your message. - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/19 12:16:50
          KA is 4 years younger than the average FF coach's age - McRib MU - 7/18 13:00:18
               KA has infinitely less D1 HC experience and also appears - 90Tiger MU - 7/18 13:54:48
               Well that doesn't explain his lack of energy and effort he - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 13:19:21
                    Quote from Baker via link below - wu-tangtiger MU - 7/18 14:07:50
                         Lol. The ol' tool belt line. We all got that - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 14:40:23
                              just a difference between not putting in effort - wu-tangtiger MU - 7/18 14:41:59
                                   Of course. I certainly believe he's trying. And if true - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 14:49:06
                                        'Purge' by cratering the program and causing them - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 14:54:12
                                             Cratering reference. - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/19 12:22:41
                                             I don't believe so, to be honest. The ones, aside from J3 - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 14:57:22
                                                  A lot of people seem to repeat this claim but I never - tgr MU - 7/18 15:23:20
                                                       But FIJI knows the work ethic of Coach Anderson? - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/19 12:25:08
                                                       Supposed inside insight but who knows. Body language - Diamond Dave MU - 7/18 15:24:34
                                                            Allen was probably the highest energy guy on the bench - tgr MU - 7/18 15:31:12
                                                                 I somewhat agree. You can't always tell by a player's - sprintcar STL - 7/18 15:35:30
                                                                 Isn't that a complaint that many fans have about KA - wu-tangtiger MU - 7/18 15:34:21
                                                                      I think it's different between a player and a coach. - tgr MU - 7/18 16:22:10
                                                                           says a lot about the types of players Mizzou - wu-tangtiger MU - 7/18 17:34:29
                                                                      Have heard the same thing(nm) - McRib MU - 7/18 15:47:31
                                        Should have done it a year earlier - wu-tangtiger MU - 7/18 14:50:45
                                   I think you can be both, its not mutually exclusive (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 14:43:08
                                        i have yet to see any insider say - wu-tangtiger MU - 7/18 14:44:01
                                             I don't think there is much real inside information anymore - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 14:52:54
                         That is odd, seems like griping and whining about the - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 14:21:30
                         Question? - catbirdseat MU - 7/18 14:09:26
                              Mizzou is near the bottom of the SEC - wu-tangtiger MU - 7/18 14:22:19
                                   We are not actually paying our coach anything which - catbirdseat MU - 7/18 14:28:43
                                        Not really. Even when MA was making more than $2.5 million - wu-tangtiger MU - 7/18 14:34:34
                                             Not talking about the budget. Talking specifics. - catbirdseat MU - 7/18 14:37:55
                                                  Maybe a good bagman that can entice recruits - wu-tangtiger MU - 7/18 14:40:40
                    You have no clue how much effort or energy he - MNTIGER MU - 7/18 13:57:50
                         If he is putting inordinate amounts of time and energy into - catbirdseat MU - 7/18 14:06:16
                    Cool, but that wasn't the topic of discussion(nm) - McRib MU - 7/18 13:31:14
                         It is for those who think those diary entries are age - FIJItiger MU - 7/18 13:35:02
                              I like how you've made the diary entry basically real now. - Evenflow MU - 7/18 13:40:10
                    just shut the fuvk up.(nm) - SabertoothTiger MU - 7/18 13:22:51
               Oh, my bad, Double Handle. - Evenflow MU - 7/18 13:03:49
                    Which will still be faster than any coach in Mizzou history. - MizzouTigerz MU - 7/19 12:28:05
                    Eggs got banned, so you get this fella - smoke STL - 7/18 13:10:08
                         I think a dead horse would win a final four . . oh never - Evenflow MU - 7/18 13:18:20
                              Before any coach at Mizzou? Likely a good bet. (nm) - sprintcar STL - 7/18 13:19:29

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