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Four Counts Obstruction - no a whiff son. - raskolnikov - 9/26/19 21:30:49
Over/Under on UN laughing at Donnie again?(nm) - raskolnikov - 9/23/19 13:00:38
Needs more Executive TrumpTV time and golf - raskolnikov - 9/20/19 08:34:29
Me too. I knew Donnie would come around(nm) - raskolnikov - 9/11/19 12:14:43
I was merely following the post there son - raskolnikov - 8/21/19 11:47:40
Trump is the perfect guy to have in place - raskolnikov - 8/20/19 11:24:12
Y'all can really give up beating the drum on this - raskolnikov - 8/19/19 16:25:05
Newsflash for you - raskolnikov - 8/10/19 10:10:19
The guy isd a frigging dyck, do you not get that - raskolnikov - 8/8/19 16:01:41
The man has been dropping dog whistles for years - raskolnikov - 8/8/19 11:59:57
You think Donnie Tariff did good ?(nm) - raskolnikov - 8/6/19 17:47:55
What does Q do when Donnie loses?(nm) - raskolnikov - 8/5/19 18:42:41
:Like us all, Donnie is a child of God - raskolnikov - 8/5/19 15:46:01
Poor baby donnie trump. Media so mean to him(nm) - raskolnikov - 8/5/19 14:35:47
I think he is ineligible by law - raskolnikov - 8/2/19 16:24:07
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