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Fake Black homophobe, live in Fantasyland - TexJohnson - 12/15/19 13:33:42
Says the homophobic,fake Black, derp - TexJohnson - 11/22/19 08:07:04
Repression??? How so homophobe? - TexJohnson - 10/28/19 17:03:56
Another homophobe but you are beyond stupid. - TexJohnson - 10/25/19 09:32:48
TDS- Trump Defender Syndrome here is waning - TexJohnson - 10/14/19 16:17:17
^^Likes homophobe humor because, well you know - TexJohnson - 10/12/19 12:08:24
So says the fake black homophobe Incel derp - TexJohnson - 10/12/19 12:05:29
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