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That's a new one Bkack homophobe Republican. Who's he?

Posted on: September 28, 2019 at 17:49:40 CT
TexJohnson MU
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5.30 yrs
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Is that DOC at the fifth stage?

Want some chew, friend? We're just pals. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. Love you forever. I hope you really are fagnar too, because that means there would be more of you.
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     While completely true, such mutgriny - JG A - 9/28 16:49:35
          👽✈️🚶🏻‍♂️🌋👻. GO SPACE CULTS!!!!!!!! - Emoji Man MSU - 9/28 17:20:46
     Fake reality?You're the fakiest who can't cope with reality - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 15:27:50
          ⬆️RNcaud is back - Emoji Man MSU - 9/28 17:12:21
               That's a new one Bkack homophobe Republican. Who's he? - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 17:49:40
                    WTF caud!? - Emoji Man MSU - 9/28 19:27:04
          RE: Fake reality?You're the fakiest who can't cope with reality - MUTGR MU - 9/28 15:36:36
          RE: Fake reality?You're the fakiest who can't cope with reality - scan MU - 9/28 15:35:56
          Are you 10 years old? - Logan BAMA - 9/28 15:35:04
               Was there a need to inject an insult? Why do the rt wingers - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 15:42:36
                    Pot, meet Kettle. Didn’t you start a thread with an insult? - Spanky KU - 9/28 16:05:02
                         That's a fact not an insult. - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 16:24:37
                              yet Logan’s observation on your intelligence was - Spanky KU - 9/28 16:37:39
                                   Not as dumb as being fester too. - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 16:43:38
                    he didn't mean to insult 10 year olds - Spanky KU - 9/28 16:00:35
          Fact: Obama and Biden threatened to withhold $1billion - Spanky KU - 9/28 15:33:38
               Link from a non farther out right wing source, please and TY - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 15:38:37
                    Biden ADMITTED on video to withholding $1 billion from - Spanky KU - 9/28 15:46:09
                         You don't get it do you? IF YOU BREAK THE LAW YOU SHOULD - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 15:48:29
                              What law do you allege Trump broke in his call? - Spanky KU - 9/28 15:54:01
                    LOL The Founders wouldnt spit on you if you was on Fire Tex - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/28 15:41:37
                         Why does being factual make you get this weird.?Really, you - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 15:45:24
                              my post was 100% factual - Spanky KU - 9/28 15:46:51
                                   SO HERE FESTER IS CAUGHT BEING SPANKY. A DH . - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 15:50:52
                                        Fester argues with his DH? - Spanky KU - 9/28 15:59:10
                                        No dumb@$$! I was defending MY post that you called - Spanky KU - 9/28 15:55:03
                                             Tantrum when caught. Carry on, pretend it didn't happen. - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 16:29:20
                                                  RE: Tantrum when caught. Carry on, pretend it didn't happen. - Spanky KU - 9/28 16:36:12
                                                       That proves nothing. You could have done that simply - TexJohnson MU - 9/28 16:40:26
                                                            That simply proves you are a devout Dem-Lib - Spanky KU - 9/28 17:53:54
                                        RE: SO HERE FESTER IS CAUGHT BEING SPANKY. A DH . - scan MU - 9/28 15:52:23

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