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It’s a virus. - Zeaux - 11/6/17 11:14:44
RE: Blues somehow keep winning. (nm) - Zeaux - 10/28/17 21:48:41
Implode - Zeaux - 10/18/17 21:40:47
He looks like a piece of ****. - Zeaux - 9/23/17 13:36:26
Counting Blue Cars is their best song. - Zeaux - 8/18/17 11:42:34
Why are the Blues so broke? - Zeaux - 6/13/17 17:20:36
Hunt wants in. - Zeaux - 5/17/17 19:39:19
Expansion happened a year ago. - Zeaux - 5/17/17 18:55:35
Except they're not. - Zeaux - 5/17/17 18:44:47
lol. - Zeaux - 5/17/17 18:29:30
It is what it is. - Zeaux - 5/17/17 18:26:17
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