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Most inept group of employees in government, except for

Posted on: March 9, 2025 at 17:15:41 CT
Tigrrrr! MU
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23.30 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
perhaps the DMV.

Fully convinced the doctors are ones who couldn't get medical malpractice insurance so they went to work for the government instead.

In metro areas like KC or STL they have a good source for young docs with UMKC & KU Med and Wash U, but the GA facilities elsewhere get the scraps of leftover docs.
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     Has the admin. said why it is doing that and what their - Reagan STL - 3/9 17:05:42
     The VA is broken - Bosalphus KC - 3/9 17:00:30
          Most inept group of employees in government, except for - Tigrrrr! MU - 3/9 17:15:41
               Maybe - JG A - 3/9 17:33:41
          Musk has proven he has no idea what he is doing with DOGE - JG A - 3/9 17:04:31
               Of course you disagree with DOGE (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 3/9 17:34:46
               Identifying gubmint waste is "corruption" to a conservative? - MIZ45 MU - 3/9 17:32:29
               Another LTP repeated by JG. - Reagan STL - 3/9 17:07:01
                    It's more - JG A - 3/9 17:32:04
     You know your Obama VA left hundreds of thousands of - MIZ45 MU - 3/9 16:55:46
     RE: I would ask it there is anyone stupid enough to believe - Mizzou Lou KC - 3/9 16:51:48
          I axe questions and when the simpletons - JG A - 3/9 17:02:59
     77 - Calca STL - 3/9 16:46:40
          Duly noted. Now to ID the other 76,999,999* - JG A - 3/9 16:49:08

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