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The amount of losing most of the programs do

Posted on: March 8, 2025 at 16:53:08 CT
sfprman MU
Member For:
21.47 yrs
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Is remarkable. Drop baseball and tennis unless we fully fund them. Softball and wrestling are having historically bad seasons. Gymnastics in top 10 but Florida, LSU, OU etc just never beatable. Soccer better but still a mystery why it can’t be good . Track and Field, X Country and, golf never decent as teams. Volleyball probably the one with most hope. Woman’s basketball must be the worst return on investment of all. No conference or national championship in sight for any of them.
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We are back to being just a football school - drywallerdave MU - 3/8 13:21:56
          we're good in the most important sport, thanks to Drink (nm) - zounami MU - 3/9 17:24:17
               Even with football - Hickeytime MU - 3/9 17:26:34
                    back-to-back Top 4 SEC finishes, Top 20 nationally... - zounami MU - 3/9 17:28:18
                         You have such low expectations for football - Hickeytime MU - 3/9 17:29:45
                              We missed the playoff in '24 by 1 mistackle, and would have - zounami MU - 3/9 17:51:15
                                   Funny - Hickeytime MU - 3/9 20:22:19
                                        because it's easier to compete in basketball... - zounami MU - 3/9 21:07:42
          RE: Unfortunately, we have a $hitty athletic program. I’ll - sarasotatiger MU - 3/9 13:15:21
     RE: We are back to being just a football school - Ragarm MU - 3/9 07:54:24
     agree, we are absolutely terrible at basketball - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 3/8 19:43:59
          RE: agree, we are absolutely terrible at basketball - JangoFett MU - 3/8 21:41:07
          Stop trorring - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 3/8 21:12:16
     The amount of losing most of the programs do - sfprman MU - 3/8 16:53:08
     And softball, and baseball, and Women's BB, too bad, nm - MU-TULSA MU - 3/8 15:29:54

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