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Just another error on JG.

Posted on: March 8, 2025 at 13:34:19 CT
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16.44 yrs
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he likes to think no one remembers the shyte he's posted, and it's always a brand new day, maybe this one he will get taken seriously.

Not a chance, too much history of unrelenting stupidity and lies.
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     Ukraines only hope was an insurgency - El-ahrairah BAMA - 3/8 13:42:13
     you commies disgust decent people - JG A - 3/8 13:24:31
          For wanting to prevent the deaths of Ukrainians? (nm) - Bosalphus KC - 3/8 13:51:21
               Not one person believes your party's crocodile tears - JG A - 3/8 13:52:48
                    They do expose themselves with their hardline support - vmissouri MU - 3/8 14:13:10
                    LOL. Melt(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 3/8 14:02:01
                         not one person - JG A - 3/8 14:02:52
          You have a lot of Ukrainian blood on your hands. nm. - MUTGR MU - 3/8 13:28:47
               no comrade commie - JG A - 3/8 13:35:00
                    As the person calling for continuation of that war, you - MIZ45 MU - 3/8 13:45:33
          The "they stole the GND from me!" guy calling someone else a - MIZ45 MU - 3/8 13:28:06
               Just another error on JG. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8 13:34:19
                    LOl I never posted that, nitwitted liar - JG A - 3/8 13:38:05
                         The "unleash the drones on muh political foes" guy is - MIZ45 MU - 3/8 13:44:39
                              NEVER said that neither, lying POS - JG A - 3/8 13:54:28
                                   You did, lying POS. You were banned for it(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 3/8 15:47:05
                                   Again, you've said exactly that and got suspended for it - MIZ45 MU - 3/8 14:44:45
                                        If you could link that up and NOT make a lying idiot of - JG A - 3/8 14:57:08
                                             Of course! - MIZ45 MU - 3/8 15:02:29
                                                  LOL Jesus you REALLY are THAT stupid - JG A - 3/8 15:08:00
                                                       "I'm going to ignore you again, since you still own me" - Wildcat KSU - 3/8 15:48:04
                                                       Lol, I don't blame you for renewing your bĂ­tch vow - MIZ45 MU - 3/8 15:09:59
                                                            J6 gets put down as the small man here every day - Wildcat KSU - 3/8 15:49:42
                         You did indeed post that comment on the new green deal. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8 13:42:00
                              LOl no lying POS I did not - JG A - 3/8 13:46:00
                                   This is why you received every single vote for the board's - MIZ45 MU - 3/8 13:47:16
                                        NO LYING POS, IT IS NOT - JG A - 3/8 13:50:18
                                             As I said, as you prove - MIZ45 MU - 3/8 14:43:27
                                                  "It's exactly what he said he just didn't use those words" - Wildcat KSU - 3/8 15:50:51
                                             Your NPD is showing, Lady Buttcutt (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 3/8 13:55:45
                                                  Lady Buttcutt doth protest too much. - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/8 14:06:44
                                                       Neither a lady nor a buttcut be - JG A - 3/8 14:08:09
                                                  IF NPD is pointing out liars lies , as you obviously do, - JG A - 3/8 13:57:31
          How do you get to "commies" from that post - NPDTiger MU - 3/8 13:28:00
               His complete fealty to Putin, capiche? - JG A - 3/8 13:32:49
                    Putin isn't a communist(nm) - NPDTiger MU - 3/8 13:34:48
                         Well he was according to republicans - JG A - 3/8 13:36:43
                              I never said anything about communism being tried - NPDTiger MU - 3/8 13:39:03
                                   LOL did you get amnesia when you created a new handle? - JG A - 3/8 13:40:34

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