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I always thought Marxists were smart, albeit in a devious

Posted on: March 6, 2025 at 16:03:05 CT
hokie VT
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9.33 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
and deceitful way.

But lately, they have been acting like absolute idiots. The stuff that they're doing is inexplicable and outrageous. Emotional reactions to things that just make them look stupid.

Now no one ever accused Biden of being intelligent, or chuckles, or 98% of the Democrat house and Senate.But they've got Obama, they've got Susan Rice, they've got fat Hillary Clinton. These are not stupid people. They are scummy America hating people, but they're not stupid.

I am at a loss to explain the idiocy that is on parade from those guys every day.

To be clear, I'm not complaining. I am delighted that Hakeem Jefferies is an idiot, that jizzman Crockett is an idiot, that AOC is a moron, that Coco, the monkey in Minnesota is one of the most idiotic caricatures of a politician I've ever seen, and that the non-thinking lemmings in the Democrat party follow blindly the idiots who speak in the loudest rather than the smartest voice.

But it is mystifying.
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     What exactly do these idiots have to say overcome? Their - tigertix MU - 3/6 16:39:47
     Brain Damage is a lot to overcome...but - Logan STL - 3/6 15:53:24
          I always thought Marxists were smart, albeit in a devious - hokie VT - 3/6 16:03:05
               They bet on the dumbing down of the public by ruining the - tigertix MU - 3/6 16:47:32

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