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Keep throwing out strawmen - it was what it was - a strange

Posted on: March 3, 2025 at 08:34:48 CT
RayKinsella1922 SEC
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9.49 yrs
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balance between keeping Luther happy and then not going to Luther for long stretches.

No one walked away witnessing the total dominance we all hoped for.

His #1 skill is punt returns and those were outlawed early.

Were we featuring him or keeping him healthy or was the strategy different week-to-week?

Who knows.

But he didn't win any heismans.

It's probably better to have a balance of three and four stars where everyone has to work together perfectly to win as opposed to having one or two five stars that everyone has to bow down to.
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i like this quote - 90Tiger STL - 3/2 18:47:04
     he's not bored in my offense on PS5 - rockquarryroad MU - 3/3 10:38:07
     yes - FootballRefugee MU - 3/3 09:46:26
          Agree it happens quite - Genco98 MU - 3/4 06:27:56
          agreed (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 3/3 12:52:11
     This quote disturbs me, though - Diamond Dave MU - 3/3 09:12:47
          He's a true son and a warrior and consistently showed - 90Tiger STL - 3/3 12:53:04
               Not a warrior. He wasn't fending off spears or arrows or - Diamond Dave MU - 3/3 12:55:41
                    it's a metaphor, dave, relax (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 3/3 13:02:05
                         I'm very relaxed. Always(nm) - Diamond Dave MU - 3/3 13:15:34
     RE: i like this quote - Ragarm MU - 3/3 06:20:18
     Maybe he shouldn't have taken so maybe plays off. Nm - BandG MU - 3/2 23:05:37
     “he got bored with that offense”???? - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 3/2 19:06:08
          RE: “he got bored with that offense”???? - 90Tiger STL - 3/3 12:53:25
          Inconsistent qb play, by the end..he knew Cook couldn't - TampaTiger87 MU - 3/3 09:20:14
          I think it means “give me the ball all the time” which - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/3 07:42:04
          He faked the jet sweep and went out for bombs - those - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 3/3 00:08:57
               okay, GA Tiger(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 3/3 05:49:57
                    I was more entertained by Marcus Murphy and/or DGB - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 3/3 08:01:47
                         Maybe - GA Tiger MU - 3/3 08:26:52
                         yeah, his sophomore season wasn’t very good(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 3/3 08:18:12
                              Keep throwing out strawmen - it was what it was - a strange - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 3/3 08:34:48
                                   there is no straw man there, Ray - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 3/3 09:19:08
                                        Ray likes his cutesy catch phrases - Hickeytime MU - 3/3 09:44:16
                                             Ray usually says a lot - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 3/3 10:46:11
                                                  Circle the wagons! Circle the wagons! Someone wasn't - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 3/3 16:56:01
                                                       dumb as ****(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 3/3 17:30:08
                                                            Me club, me club - oh no me club!!! LOL(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 3/3 17:45:47
          I think it's his way of saying they didn't put him in a - CoolBreeze22 MU - 3/2 20:34:11
     RE: i like this quote - sarasotatiger MU - 3/2 18:54:37

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