First of all by no means intended as a slam on Bates and Grill who are great players but even Michael Jordan had bad games from time to time.
Video should start at 14:45.
"pick your poison"
From the box score you can see who they let catch the ball. I'm not sure if they game planned for Bates but once it was clear he was cold they let him catch the ball knowing he will shoot. 5-17 in 34 minutes with 0 assists.
Fast forward to Arkansas. I doubt Calipari game planned for Grill to take the shots but once it was clear he was cold who did they let catch the all knowing he would shoot?
4-14 in 30 minutes with 0 assiats.
Not rocket science. Those guys shoot the basketball. Between the 2 of them they took a combined total of 42 shots with a combined 3 assists.
You have a guy who shoots the ball. If he is cold and let him catch the ball. He's gonna shoot. As Williams said "pick your poison". They picked the cold shooter who they know is going to shoot the ball if he catches it.
Basketball 101.