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I still don't understand the reluctance to play a simple 2-3

Posted on: February 24, 2025 at 10:20:36 CT
playhard KC
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zone. It wasn't like Arky was doing anything complicated, their guards went hard downhill and we couldn't stop the ball or they'd run a simple high screen and roll, we'd switch, they'd dump it in to the paint and we'd foul. I think Gray is actually halfway decent hedging screens and forces difficult post passes, he was out...so play some zone.

Offensively it's pretty simple, Grill was like 2-14 from 3. That's the difference on that end.
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     I still don't understand the reluctance to play a simple 2-3 - playhard KC - 2/24 10:20:36
          That is another thing make them shoot threes in the half - DevilsAdvocate KC - 2/24 11:26:22
     we just didn't play well enough in any facet the 2nd half - TigerA MU - 2/24 09:06:58
          If it ain't broke don't fix it - DevilsAdvocate KC - 2/24 11:25:35
          Agree; turnovers, bad shooting (Grill's missed 3's), could - Cosmo MU - 2/24 11:08:28
               turn overs. Arkansas played decent defense and we - SabertoothTiger MU - 2/24 11:25:50
          I would say that only a small handful - semotiger83 MU - 2/24 09:49:54
               If so I think its just happenstance more than anything. - GA Tiger MU - 2/24 10:32:51
               we didn't play well the first half either. weird game(nm) - TigerA MU - 2/24 09:51:55

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