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Why not? Someone had to come up with all these other...

Posted on: February 21, 2025 at 11:30:01 CT
BandG MU
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Metrics. None of them really mean sh1t anyway. A team can play way above or way below their numbers any game. You see it every year in the NCAA tournament.
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Points Per Possession, Is this a valid metric? - TigerTuff MU - 2/21 10:57:02
     I assume thats somewhat based on 3's. Maybe a lot.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 2/21 11:57:38
          3s are worth 50% more than 2s - phrejd KC - 2/21 12:16:38
     I assume that is where offensive efficiency numbers - meatiger MU - 2/21 11:00:01
     Where are you getting those stats? - TheWildcat MU - 2/21 10:59:06
          Explanation - TigerTuff MU - 2/21 11:15:40
               Looking deeper at games played..... - TigerTuff MU - 2/21 12:01:39
                    Your math is off for the Alabama game - wu-tangtiger MU - 2/21 12:19:26
               so you made up a new metric and you're asking if it's valid? - phrejd KC - 2/21 11:23:47
                    ^^^ Likes to engage in misplaced sarcasm..........(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 2/21 11:59:16
                         no. my sarcasm is intentionally placed - phrejd KC - 2/21 12:19:42
                    Why not? Someone had to come up with all these other... - BandG MU - 2/21 11:30:01
                         I only use Phretrics personally(nm) - MidMoBaller4Life MU - 2/21 11:37:51
                              They are only on Phrivals so they are hard to get to. Nm - BandG MU - 2/21 11:50:48
                                   well they're 37% better than sabremetrics and at least 4x - phrejd KC - 2/21 11:56:19

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